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The First New Year Fair Is Held


at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to Celebrate the 1995 Lunar New Year

■   晁山     文
By Zhao Shan


T o celebrate the Lunar New Year of 1995, the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas held a “New Year Fair” at the City for the first time. Many Chinese and Americans were invited to join the celebration. The students of Developing Virtue Boys’ High School borrowed a unicorn costume from San Francisco and adapted the steps of the lion dance to perform a Unicorn Dance. This unicorn even climbed up the eaves of the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas and unrolled a red banner with the message “Auspicious Good Fortune” as the climax of their performance. The students of Developing Virtue Girls’ High School performed several Chinese dances including the Drum and Bell Dance, the Fan Dance, the Cup Dance, and the Dance of the Big-headed Dolls and the Lions. They also hosted many food and game booths to promote Chinese folk culture. On New Year’s Eve, the girl students held a thank-you luncheon for their teachers and the boy students held a ceremony to make offerings to ancestors, thus expressing their respect for their teachers and reverence for their ancestors.


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