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【舊說新語 21】



■  孫華穗 文     By Sun Huasui













The bitterly cold wind and rain seemed to echo people's mourning. At the advanced age of seventy-one, Confucius raised his tear-streaked face and looked out the window at the gloomy, misty sky. He sighed, "Alas! Heaven is ruining me! Heaven is ruining me!" The students who were attending upon him were either crying bitterly or weeping softly. Hearing their teacher, who had always been optimistic and knowledgeable about destiny, speak so sadly, they were unable to refrain from exhorting him, "Sir, do not be so mournful!"

Spreading his hands, Confucius said in disagreement, "Am I too mournful? For whom should I lament, if not for this person?" They looked at one another and became speechless. Exactly! Who among them could match Yan Hui's morality, knowledge, and aspirations? Everyone knew that out of pity for suffering living beings, their teacher had traveled among the states wishing to carry out his aspirations: to improve people's lives, to promote the harmony and happiness of the society, and to ensure the security and peace of the countries so as to attain a commonwealth in the world. Although many years had passed, the situation had not changed, yet in his declining years, their teacher had never lost his hope. That was because he still had a successor, Yan Hui, who was promising and capable of great achievements. Now Yan Hui had passed away in the prime of life. No wonder the loss of this prominent student was causing his teacher so much grief—grief as strong and sustained as if the world were about to end. For a moment, teacher and students all sank into sorrowful memories.

Zeng Sen, who was young and virtuous, recalled how Yan Hui had helped and taught him in apparent as well as imperceptible ways. Obviously he was the most capable in handling things and understood the most principles, yet he was so humble and submissive that he asked for other's advice about small matters and detailed points. He disciplined himself to live in a thrifty and simple way, took poverty as sweetness, was modest and humble towards others, and never criticized those who mistreated him. He was like a gentle breeze and blessed cloud that spontaneously enveloped those around him with pleasant energy.

Zi Gong, whose intelligence was fully evident, remembered when Zi Lu, Yan Hui, and himself were once accompanying their Teacher on an outing. Their Teacher asked them to talk about their wishes. This was not the first test their Teacher had given in order to educate them! The impetuous Zi Lu was always the first one to proudly blurt out his answers, and their Teacher could never hide his smile. The reserved Yan Hui was always the last one to speak, answering in a gentle and fresh way that won their Teacher's praises most. As for himself, he always felt that he was more intelligent than Zi Lu, and so he gave his answers wearing a happy expression. However, after hearing Yan Hui's answer, he could never help feeling inferior. This time was no exception!

Now describing the thundering sounds of the bells and drums and the magnificent flags and banners which resembled flying dragons in the battlefield, Zi Lu pointed out that he wished to be capable of leading a million soldiers and governing thousands of miles of land. The Teacher praised him as a brave individual, beaming and glowing. Zi Gong thought: No matter how courageous you might wish to be, I would wish that the wonderful speech from my tongue could stop a war between two countries. That would leave you useless! He expressed how he wished to be dressed in white and wearing a white hat as he lobbied for the ideal of no killing. Sure enough, the teacher praised him as a debater of extraordinary manner and integrity.

Yan Hui moved aside when he heard this. Zi Gong thought: “This time I've finally defeated you!" Who would have guessed that their Teacher would force Yan Hui to talk about his wish. Yan Hui had no alternative and so he said, "Their wishes completely cover both civil and military matters, but my ideal is of another sort. If I should be able to assist a worthy ruler or a sage lord, I would wish to apply propriety, music, and morality to teach people so that no defensive facilities such as city walls or moats would be necessary. Weapons could be used as farming tools instead. Cows and horses would be able to graze freely in the pastures. Because there would be no war, families would be free of the separations that deaths bring. Countries would be without terror and insecurity. In this way, Zi Lu would be no longer be useful in the military; nor would Zi Gong have any opportunity for debating!"

Immediately a solemn praise came from their Teacher, "What a wonderfully virtuous wish! You are one who truly gains from what he has learned!" Knowing how to ride the tide, Zi Gong immediately shut his mouth tightly. Still not clear which one was favored, Zi Lu inquired of their teacher. "The one who can prevent the loss of money and property, avoid injuring the people, and have no need for numerous laws and heavy punishments is this child of the Yan family!" said their Teacher. Certainly, once again Yan Hui had won first place in the test! Zi Gong had no choice but to submit!

Confucius recalled how during his teachings Yan Hui was always so quiet, and yet he followed the teachings and studied vigorously. He never missed school. Not only did he believe in and cherish the instructions joyously, he also put them into practice and never made any transgressions. As it is said, “Rejoicing in something deeply, one applies one's strength to the fullest extent." Yan Hui was happy to lead a simple and virtuous life that did not derive from knowledge, but rather came from the actual practice of virtue. If he had not understood the samadhi of learning, how could he have been like that?

Thus it was that Confucius mourned: now among his students who else could compare to Yan Hui in diligence? Who could continue to transmit and hand down his ideals? "Ah! Heaven is ruining me!" Confucius could not stop his sorrowful weeping. Outside the window, the bitterly cold wind and rain continued and seemed to echo people's mourning.


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