萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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三步一拜很像參禪,隨時要努力的保持一心不亂,我們進步雖慢,但仍持續。恆朝是一個好護法。他下面會報告怎樣將我們從一次困境中解救出來。 Leonora江,方果悟,愛麗絲王和胡氏夫婦非常照顧、保護我們。我很少說話,這是一個實踐我只在為三寶服務時才說話的心願的機會。我永遠感激有機會修道。 










From the last issue: HENG CHAU/ May 10,1977

Our car, which we must use until we get out of the city, serves us in this way: the ashtray and glove compartment are our wooden fish, incense burner, and altar. The back end of the van is our Chan hall, Buddha hall, sleeping room, and library. We camp in the garage behind one Upasika's house. We do evening recitation on the way there—the Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance—me at the wheel, incense going in the ashtray, and Heng Sure in back hitting a thermo cup to keep the ceremony going. We are really into maintaining a pure and scheduled Bodhimanda. It's the nucleus and source of our going and coming—it's just like at Gold Mountain, but it's up to us to maintain it here.

This is the rap I give people who ask what we are doing:
(1) Personal—getting rid of greed, hatred, and stupidity;
(2) Larger perspective—getting rid of some bad vibes. Take on suffering to end suffering and disasters of all. (3) Larger scope—stop the creation of weapons that kill millions. (4) Bowing to the Buddhas to be compassionate.

New stuff: I am finding it easy and important to be a monk. To be reverent and mindful every minute. Not the "wham, bang, bust 'em" vigor like I am used to, but rather like the quiet, calm but ceaseless constancy of a quiet ocean beach (waves keep coming). It is easier with less attachments now. I feel less and less doubtful, even at 4 A.M. Hardly any fear and more stillness, patience, and evenness of energy. Bowing is my method now, and it's wonderful!

Young people are open to our trip and to Buddhism. Had a good exchange with some boys yesterday about celibacy, parents, kung fu, precepts, one meal a day, etc. They poke and tease the male in you; if you don't move then they respect and draw near. If you move, it's all over and they have a circus. “Hare Krishna!"

People think Heng Sure is physically ill, worry he won't be able to find San Francisco, and wonder, always wonder... People are touched somewhere inside beyond it all in a mysterious and subtle way. I see it in their faces, how they gather to watch, the ways they move and leave as we pass. It is deep.

HENG SURE / May 11, 1977

Dear Shih Fu (Master),

Homage to the Venerable Master,

May he lend his compassion to all beings!
This work is very much like a Chan session. Constant mindfulness is hard work and we are making slow and steady progress. Three steps, one bow. Heng Chau is a good protector. He has already saved us from one nasty situation which he will tell about below. Leonora Chiang, Phuong Kuo Wu, Alice Wong, and the Woos have protected us and show us great care. I am not talking very much at all. This is a wonderful chance to practice my vow to speak only words in service to the Triple Jewel. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to cultivate the Way.

Disciple Guo Zhen bows in respect

HENG CHAU / May 11, 1977

Bowed through a tunnel consisting of commuter traffic on one side and Huntington Elementary School on the other. One was pure and a "bathing of good energy" as Heng Sure felt it. The other was busy and divisive. It doesn't take long for one side to move to the other. The wheel turns and we are steering down the middle. Too many kids to talk with; the teachers and police are watching so we decide to be quiet and bow. Thanks, kids. See you again.

How One False Thought Brought the Rain

Three lay Dharma protectors tell us how heavy and dangerous Lincoln Heights will be. "Be very careful." Having the appearance of a self, we feel fear.

First mistake: Fear = false thought—crack, hole.

Second mistake: To overcome fear and danger you can rush through, push it—about two hours straight of bowing in the hot sun. "There, we got rid of that stretch!"

Third mistake: Heng Chau feels angry about this, holds on to it.

→To be continued


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea