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■    岳興華  文     By Yue Xinhua










From last issue: Dharma Master Hsuan Tsang

Vinaya Master Jianzhen (A.D. 687-763) was a monk of the Vinaya sect in the Tang Dynasty. He was born in Jiangyang County of Yangzhou (in Jiangsu Province) to the Chunyu family. In his late years, at the sincere invitation of Japanese monks, he sailed eastward to Japan to transmit the Vinaya. During the sea voyage, he turned back many times. After encountering many dangers and difficulties and losing his eyesight, he finally reached Kyuhu, Japan, in the twelfth year of the Tianbao reign on his sixth attempt. In February of the following year, he went to Nara.

He was greatly welcomed by all in Japan. He transmitted the Bodhisattva precepts to the Emperor, the Empress, the crown prince, and others; the Shramanera precepts to Zhengxiu and over four hundred other novices; and the new precepts to over eight hundred monks. This marked the beginning of Japan's formal transmission of precepts. Thus Master Jianzhen was honored as the first patriarch of the Vinaya sect in Japan.

Master Jianzhen and his disciples used the most advanced techniques of the Tang Dynasty in their buildings, sculptures, and wall paintings, thus giving a distinctive flair to the artistic golden age in the era of Heavenly Peace in Japan. The Tang Zhaoti Monastery complex was the masterpiece of Master Jianzhen and his disciples; its structure and adornments reflect the characteristics of Tang architecture. It is the largest and most beautiful building still in existence from the era of Heavenly Peace. Before Master Jianzhen died, his disciples used the newest technique involving a mixture of woven material and dry paint to make a life-size statue of him sitting, which is honored as a national treasure in Japan.

In February of 1980, a Sino-Japanese group that promotes good relations between the two countries, for the purpose of enhancing the friendship of generations, sent the statue to Beijing and Yangzhou for the Chinese people to worship.

Master Jianzhen and most of his disciples were skilled in Chinese calligraphy. When he went to Japan, he took with him the original works of the famous calligraphers Wang Xizhi and his son Wang Xianzhi. Due to their influence, even today the Japanese people have an enduring love for the art of Chinese calligraphy. Master Jianzhen's most important contribution to the Japanese people was the transmission of medical knowledge. Japan honors Master Jianzhen as the father of medicine. Japan's bean curd industry, food and drink industry, and brewing industry all owe their trade skills to Master Jianzhen.

In the second year of the Baoying reign of the Tang Dynasty (A.D. 763, the seventh year of the Baozi reign of the Heavenly Peace era in Japan), on the sixth day of May, Master Jianzhen entered the stillness at Tang Zhaoti Monastery. A Record of the Journey to the East of a Great Monk of the Tang Dynasty is still in circulation even today.

→To be continued


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