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慈祥代天宣化 忠孝為國教民
On Behalf of Heaven, Proclaim and Transform with Kindness.
For the Country, Teach the People to Be Loyal and Filial.


曾瑞平老師 文 By Mr. Ruiping Zeng


「三法印」就是「諸行無常」、「諸法無我」、「涅槃寂靜」,是佛陀為了驗證正法印說的三個準則。 今就「諸行無常」來說。世上一切事物,乃至人世遭遇,沒有停滯不變的,生活方式的改變,工業生產技術隨科技發展日新月異,經濟活動方式也日新又新,市場、行銷、財務管理都在隨時變動著,這都是「諸行無常」。老師必須認清知識與經驗是具有時效性的,是無常的,所以要教育孩子能面對無常,能在無常中發展覺性、發揮創意,懂得如何解決所面對的問題。 但是社會是變遷的,在你面前的孩子他們的思想、情感、情緒狀態似乎不是你年少時的經驗所能了解。他們生活在一個開放的社會裡,自由與放縱很容易混淆:他們的生活富裕,在物質生活上,有強烈的消費傾向,以致很容易被奢靡之風所感染;他們活在價值紛歧、言論自由的時代,但卻不明白作正確的判斷──所以老師的指導、作為,非常重要!必須用更多的心血來引導孩子,協助他們用生活經驗的素材,來茁壯智慧的根,用愛與耐心,輔導他們走出物質崇拜的狂飆與泥淖。

學佛的人,最起碼的事就是皈依,表示願意接受佛陀的教化,也表示是學佛的起點行為。在日常生活中與拜佛修持中,提昇自己適應環境的能力。養成開朗的心胸,孕育恬淡和活潑的處世態度;如此,人生顯得富足, 精神生活覺得自在,感受與佛同在。

Sincerely learning the Buddhadharma in the holy land of Buddhism enables one to personally experience the great principles of being a person and of living life. Further, one can also explain the essential quality of teaching with the Buddha's "Three Dharma Seals." The "Three Dharma Seals” are: "All activities are impermanent," "All dharmas are without a self,” and “Nirvana is still and tranquil." They can be regarded as the standard in life. They are the guidance that the Buddha spoke for the purpose of verifying the proper Dharma.

Now let us talk about "All activities are impermanent." None of the affairs of the world, including the things that happen to us in our lives, is stagnant and unchanged. Our way of living changes; industrial production techniques improve in line with the development of science; economic activities also renew themselves every day, marketing, sales, and financial management: all are subject to change at all times. They demonstrate that "All activities are impermanent." Teachers should clearly recognize that knowledge and experience change with the times, they are impermanent. Therefore, children need to be taught how to face impermanence, and in the midst of impermanence, to develop awareness, to exert creativity, and to solve problems that arise. However, the society is changing. Perhaps your own experience of youth will not enable you to understand the thoughts, feelings, emotions of the children before you. They live in an open society in which freedom and indulgence are easily confused. Their lives are affluent and they have strong inclinations for material consumption. Consequently, they are easily affected by the trend of extravagance. They live in an age characterized by diverse values and the freedom of speech, yet do not understand how to make correct judgments. Therefore, the guidance and conduct of their teachers are very important. Teachers must spend more effort to guide the children, helping them use their life experiences to nurture the roots of wisdom and leading them out of the storm and mud of materialism with love and patience.

At the very least, students of Buddhism can take refuge, thus indicating our willingness to accept the Buddha's teachings. This is also the first step in learning Buddhism. After that, in daily life as well as in bowing to the Buddha and cultivating, we should improve our ability to adapt to the environment. We should also develop an open mind and nurture a calm, detached, and yet lively manner in living. In doing so, our life will be full, and we will feel free and peaceful spiritually, as if we are with the Buddha.


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