萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Universal Worthy Bodhisattva of Great Conduct

(接上期        Continued from last issue)
宣化上人撰述於一九八六年九月二十六日   Composed by the Venerable Master Hua on September 26, 1986
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute


虚空有盡 我願無窮
充滿法界 遍入微塵
處處示現 剎剎化身
皆證菩提 圓大覺尊




眾生界盡願無窮 煩惱断時行更深
禮敬諸佛诚懇切 稱讚如來誓大伸
廣修供養培福德 懺悔業障除罪根
普賢菩薩歎難盡 倒駕慈航轉法輪





小啟 本刊承方氏兄弟印刷公司,發心贊助,承印達十年之久。方氏兄弟不計個人利益之護法精神,堪為世人楷模,特此敬告讀者,知其義行。 萬佛城金剛菩提海月刊謹啟


From last Issue: The Ten Great Vows of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva

A verse in praise says:
Empty space may come to an end,
But my vows will not be exhausted.
They fill up the Dharma Realm
And pervade every mote of dust.
He appears in all places,
Manifesting transformation bodies in every land
To cause living beings to certify to Bodhi
And accomplish the great and perfect enlightenment.

Empty space may come to an end.
Empty space actually has no end; it will not end. But even if empty space comes to an end, my vows will not be exhausted. The vows made by Universal Worthy Bodhisattva will never be exhausted. They fill up the Dharma Realm and pervade every mote of dust. Though my vows are invisible, their power fills up the Dharma Realm and pervasively enter into every mote of dust.

He appears in all places,/ Manifesting transformation bodies in every land. Universal Worthy Bodhisattva's transformation bodies manifest everywhere; he sends his transformation bodies to lands as numerous as motes of dust. To cause living beings to certify to Bodhi and accomplish the great and perfect enlightenment. He causes all living beings to accomplish Buddhahood and reach the position of perfect and great enlightenment.

Another verse says:
The realm of living beings can be exhausted,
but his vows will not end.
When afflictions are severed, his practice will only go deeper.
He bows to all Buddhas in sincere earnest.
He praises the Tathagata, greatly extending his vow.
He vastly cultivates the giving of offerings to develop blessings.
He repents of and reforms karmic hindrance
to eradicate the roots of offenses.
Our praise to Universal Worthy Bodhisattva is endless.
He reverses the ship of kindness and turns the Dharma wheel.

The realm of living beings can be exhausted, but his vows will not end.
Even if all living beings are gone, the power of my vows will not end. When afflictions are severed, his practice will only go deeper. Suppose that my afflictions and the afflictions of all living beings disappear, suppose they are all severed. The afflictions of living beings are not easy to sever; however, if they were severed, my vows would become even deeper than they were before.

He bows to all Buddhas in sincere earnest. I bow to the limitless Buddhas of the ten directions throughout empty space and the Dharma Realm, replete with sincerity and earnestness. He praises the Tathagata, greatly extending his vow. When I praise the Tathagata, the merit and virtue derived from such praise extends my vow so that it reaches every corner and every mote of dust.

He vastly cultivates the giving of offerings to develop blessings. In Buddhism, I vastly practice the making of offerings to the Triple Jewel, thus developing blessings, wisdom, and merit and virtue. He repents of and reforms karmic hindrance to eradicate the roots of offenses. I eradicate the roots of offenses by repenting of and reforming my karmic obstacles.

Our praise to Universal Worthy Bodhisattva is endless./ He reverses the ship of kindness and turns the Dharma wheel. No matter how we praise Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, we cannot finish speaking in praise of him. He is a person who has reversed the ship of kindness and returned. He was already in the Pure Land of Eternal Stillness and Light. He would not stay there and enjoy the happiness of permanence, bliss, true self, and purity. He is still mindful of living beings in every thought, never forgetting them. Within samadhi, he is always teaching and transforming the pitiful living beings of the Saha world, hoping that we will attain enlightenment a little sooner so that we can leave suffering, attain bliss, and be liberated from birth and death.

This journal has been printed voluntarily by Fong Brothers Printing Co. for over ten years. Their spirit to protect the Buddhadharma and forsake personal profit is surely an example for people to follow. We hereby inform all our readers about their volunteer work.

萬佛城金剛菩提海月刊 謹啟 The Buddhist Monthly--Vajra Bodhi Sea 


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