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68th Generational Patriarch Dhyana Master Fang Nian Ci Zhou

虛雲老和尚集     Composed by the Elder Master Yun
宣化上人講於一九八五年六月八日    Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua on June 8, 1985


「休可之」:這時候,幻休禪師就同意他這個說法了,說,你這個還可以的。那麼同意他這說法之後,幻休禪師就「尋遊初祖面壁處」。後來「忽大悟」:真正開悟了。開什麼悟?「乃曰」:他說,「五乳峰前」:在這個熊耳山少林寺的五乳峰的前邊,「好箇消息」: 啊!這真是個好消息,這個消息真是特別好。什麼呢?






「於是遊方來會稽」:因為這個,所以他就出去遊方了。「來會稽」,會稽,這個字是讀「貴」稽,並不是讀「愧」 稽,是會稽,也不「快稽」。會稽,這是個地名。「諸士大夫」:到這個地方,有一些讀書的人,有一些作官的人, 「請說法於止風塗」:這個止風塗是個地名,小的地名,在這地方說法。






From the last Issue: Dhyana Master Fang Nian said, "Though there are myriad different waters, the rivers and streams originally flow from a single source."

Dhyana Master Xiu concurred. At this time, Dhyana Master Huan Xiu agreed, saying, "What you said is okay." After he was accepted, Dhyana Master Fang Nian went to visit the place where the First Patriarch had faced the stone wall. Later, suddenly, he experienced a great enlightenment. He truly understood. What did he understand? He said, “In front of the Five Breasts Summit, there is good news.” In front of Five Breasts Summit of Shaolin Monastery at Bear's Ear Mountain, there is some great news. Oh! This is truly a piece of good news. This news is especially good. What is it?

Rocks big and small are all lying on the ground. The good news was that the rocks, be they big or small, were all lying on the ground. The big rocks are on the ground, and so are the small rocks This implies that people in this world, whether or not they have good roots, are all part of the functioning of the Buddhadharma. They are not outside of the Buddhadharma. Whether or not you believe in Buddhism, you are encompassed within Buddhism; you are within the Buddha-nature. The Five Breasts Summit refers to Buddhism.

The good news is "All living beings have the Buddha-nature and all can become Buddhas." Sooner or later, they will all become Buddhas. This is the best news. Whether the rocks are big or small-meaning whether people's good roots are deep or shallow-they are all on the ground. Whether they are boulders or pebbles, every rock is on the ground and not in the air. That is to say, our Buddha-nature—the Buddha-nature of living beings, the basic nature of living beings-is all within the Buddha-nature and is not apart from the Buddha-nature. Therefore, everyone has the chance to become a Buddha.

He went back and sought certification from Dhyana Master Xiu, who then transmitted the Dharma to him. As soon as he came back from where Bodhidharma had sat facing the stone wall, he asked Dhyana Master Huan Xiu whether his view was right or not. Once Master Xiu heard his words, he knew that Master Fang Nian had understood! He had become enlightened! Therefore, Master Xiu transmitted the Dharma to him.

Dhyana Master Xiu instructed him, "When you meet up with the wind, stop there. You will understand." Master Xiu told him, "Stop where you meet up with the wind, and don't go any farther. You should understand." In Chinese, Master Xiu uses a very respectful form of "you" to address Master Fang Nian.

"You will find another person who will greatly revive the traditions of Dong." You should look for a person who is qualified to assume the responsibility of the Tathagata's work so that he will be able to greatly promote the Cao Dong Sect and cause it to flourish.

The Master thus travelled around and went to Guiji. For this reason, the Master went travelling and came to a place called Guiji. The scholars there requested him to speak Dharma at a place called Zhi Feng Tu (literally "the road where the wind stops.") When the Master came to the place called Guiji, the local scholars and officials asked him to speak the Dharma at a place called Zhi Feng Tu. This is a very small place.

There was a Venerable Cheng, Dhyana Master Zhan Ran, who inquired about his attainment. At that time, there was a Venerable Cheng, Dhyana Master Zhan Ran, at that place. You should pay attention here. Both the speaker and the listeners should pay attention! Here it says the Venerable Cheng asked Dhyana Master Fang Nian about the principles he had certified to through cultivation. To inquire means to seek certification.

Seeing him, the Master was happy to find that they held the same principles. Dhyana Master Fang Nian felt he had affinities with Dhyana Master Zhan Ran when he saw him. He was happy to find that they had the same principles. The two of them were the same.

Only then did the Master understand the Venerable Xiu's prediction. At this time, he finally understood the prediction Dhyana Master Huan Xiu had given him, telling him, "When you meet up with the wind, stop there." So he stopped, having met the wind. Now he understood the prediction which had been made in advance.

The Master manifested the perfect stillness. His stupa was built at Mount Xianshengnan. Later, he entered the perfect stillness. His pagoda was located in Mount Xianshengnan.

→To be continued


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