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【卷四 見寶塔品第十一】 修訂版

Roll 4, Chapter 11, Vision of the Jeweled Stupa (revised version)

宣化上人講     Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄     Translated by the International Translation Institute


如是之人 諸佛所歎 是則勇猛 是則精進
是名持戒 行頭陀者 則為疾得 無上佛道
能於來世 讀持此經 是真佛子 住淳善地
佛滅度後 能解其義 是諸天人 世間之眼
於恐畏世 能須與說 一切天人 皆應供養


「則為疾得」:這一種行頭陀行、受持《法華經》的人,很快就得到「無上佛道」啦!沒有比這再高上的--就是成佛了。「能於來世」:這個人能在來生的時候,「讀持此經」:讀誦受持這一部《妙法蓮華經》:「是真佛:就是真正的佛子。「住淳善地」:住到這個最好的地方,住到這個淳樸善地,也就是佛地。「佛滅度後」;在釋迦牟尼佛滅度之後,「能解其義」;能了解《妙法蓮華經》的義理,「是諸天人」:是一切天上的人、人間的人 「世間之眼」:這是一切天上的人和人間的人的眼目。天上的人和人間的人,若沒有這一種受持《法華經》的人,就像沒有眼目了似的;若有受持《法華經》的人,就是作人天的眼目。

「於恐畏世」:在這個五濁惡世,這叫恐畏的世界,「能須臾說」:能在很短的時間,「須臾」就是很短的時間。「一切天人」:雖然在這很短的時間講說這部《法華經》,這時候,一切的天上的人、人間的人,「皆應供養」:都應該供養這個人,應該供養這一位說《法華經》的法師。 今天是韋陀菩薩的一個誕辰,所有的佛教徒,在今天都應該來恭敬供養這位韋陀菩薩,尤其出家人,更應該重視這一天。在過去每一年的今天,都上供、拜佛、誦經;那麼今年我以為人人都會記得,尤其已經有五個美國人出家,一定不會忘記韋陀菩薩對我們護法的這種慈悲。我想不到來到這個佛堂一看,根本就像沒這麼一回事似的。我昨天晚間本來想告訴大家,但是我想大家都會比我聰明,比我記憶力好,因為大家吃飯都會吃,沒有叫我來教過怎麼樣吃飯,怎麼樣穿衣服,怎麼樣睡覺,那麼我相信供養這位韋陀菩薩,也不會令我來分神。



From last issue: Vow to receive and uphold the Dharma Flower Sutra in life after life.

One such as this
Shall be praised by all the Buddhas:
"This is courage!
This is vigor!
This is called upholding the precepts
And practicing the dhutas."
He will then quickly obtain
The supreme Buddha Way.
If, in the future,
One can read and uphold this Sutra,
He is then a true disciple of the Buddha
Dwelling in the pure, good stage.
And one who, after the Buddha's extinction,
Can understand its meaning
Will act as eyes
For all gods and humans in the world.
In the age of terror,
One who can speak it for an instant
Will be worthy of the offerings
Of all the gods and humans.

One such as this,
who can accept and maintain the Dharma Flower Sutra for even a moment, shall be praised by all the Buddhas of the ten directions. They will say, "This is courage! This person is really cultivating courageous practices. He's cultivating bravely. This is vigor! This person who upholds the Dharma Flower Sutra is truly vigorous. This is called upholding the precepts. By simply reciting the Dharma Flower Sutra, he is already upholding the precepts. And practicing the dhutas. Dhuta is a Sanskrit word that means "striking up one's spirits." It means that from the time one rises in the morning until the night, one doesn't feel tired or sleepy. This is called "striking up one's spirits" and not being lazy.

He will then quickly obtain/ The supreme Buddha Way. Such a person who practices the dhutas and upholds the Dharma Flower Sutra will attain the unsurpassed Buddha Way very fast! There is no position higher than that of Buddhahood. If, in the future, in a future life, one can read and uphold this Sutra, the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, he is then a true disciple of the Buddha/ Dwelling in the pure, good stage, the best place, the level of complete goodness, which is just the stage of a Buddha. And one who, after the Buddha's extinction, after Shakyamuni Buddha has entered Nirvana, can understand its meaning, the purport of the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, will act as eyes/ For all gods and humans in the world. He will serve as eyes for all the beings in the heavens and the human realm. If there is no one in the heavens or the human realm upholding the Dharma Flower Sutra, then it is as if the gods and humans were all blind. The one who upholds the Dharma Flower Sutra functions as eyes for the gods and humans.

In the age of terror, that is now, in the age of the five turbidities, one who can speak it for an instant/ Will be worthy of the offerings/ Of all the gods and humans. Although he may speak the Dharma Flower Sutra for only a very short period of time, all the gods and humans should make offerings to the Dharma Master who speaks this Sutra.

Today is Wei Tou Bodhisattva's birthday, so every Buddhist should come to pay respect and make offerings to Wei Tou Bodhisattva. Those who have left the home-life should take this day even more seriously. In the past, we would make offerings,bow to the Buddhas, and recite Sutras every year on this day. This year, I thought everyone would remember. Especially since five Americans have already left the home-life, I thought they certainly wouldn't forget the kindness and compassion that Wei Tou Bodhisattva has shown us in protecting the Dharma. To my great surprise, when I came to the Buddha hall, there seemed to be no indication that today was a special day. I had thought of reminding everyone yesterday evening, but then I thought to myself, "Everyone is smarter than me and has better memory than I do. Everyone knows how to eat. I've never had to teach people how to eat, how to wear clothes, or how to sleep, so I probably don't need to worry about teaching them how to make offerings to this Bodhisattva, either."

But when I came here and took a look, not only was there no sign of any celebration, people had forgotten this matter altogether! We left-home people should think about it: every day we eat food that is prepared for us, we wear ready-made clothes, and live in ready-made accommodations. This is possible primarily because Wei Tou Bodhisattva has been protecting the Dharma. This year, Wei Tou Bodhisattva has been working for a whole year to help us accomplish our work in the way. And yet today, we act as if there is nothing special about it, and we don't pay any attention to it. How do you think we can face Wei Tou Bodhisattva?

→To be continued


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