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■  童慈欣      文      by Tong Cixin

宣公上人表示:在美國因爲大家不注重孝道, 所以要舉辦敬老節,提倡孝道與敬老,以移風易俗。

由法界佛敎總會創辦人宣公上人發起的敬老節聯歡 會,於十一月五日在大眾齊誦《佛說父母恩重難報 經》聲中,舉辦第三屆敬老節聯歡會,在宣公上人 座下的美、加、臺多處分支道場同日掀開序幕。這 項跨國敬老活動的目的,在增進人人心中的和諧安 詳,減少社會上的暴戾之氣。


在北加州達摩鎮的萬佛聖城,有一百餘位中 美老人家應邀參加。當地電視臺KFWU,廣播 電臺KZYX,KWNE,與報社瑜伽日報,都派 記者前來採訪。萬佛聖城附設中小學的女校校 長易果參對這群美國記者解釋說,美國傳統文 化原也注重孝道與敬老,但是美國人已遺忘許 久,敬老節正是要喚醒美國人,找回優良的傳 統美德。

萬佛聖城附設育良小學、培德中學女生部學 生各展才藝,為佳賓們表演莎劇、鋼琴演奏、 扇子舞、杯子舞等等。最引起老人家會心微笑 的節目,是在午齋時分,育良小 學幼稚園至三年級學生大聲而認 真地背誦英譯的《弟子規》:「 父母呼,應勿緩;父母命,行勿 懶;父母敎,須敬聽;父母責, 須我承…。」

參加這項敬老節的美籍老太太 荷琳•艾普斯汀,在接受KFWU 電視台訪問時,很開心地表示: 「這是非常有意義的活動,不只 代表對老年人的關懷,也代表對 其他人的關懷。尤其東方文化和 西方文化能在這裡會合,更是具有意義。」


座落於舊金山中國城的金山聖 寺,有兩百三十多位善信,冒雨前來參加這項 專門為老年人舉辦的節日。來自柏克萊加大的 十位學生,平日是金山聖寺週末中文學校的義 務教師,在敬老節這天也加入其他年輕義工, 一起熱心地擔任招待與跑堂,同為老人家服務 。宣公上人特地以電話向老人們問候、致意。 上人還將信徒供養的豆粉於前一天派人送來, 金山聖寺特別將這些豆粉煮在湯裡,請老人家 分享上人祝福的心意。

金山聖寺另外又製作六十份齋菜便當,送到 屋崙康福園日間護理中心。清淡而可口的齋菜 ,令康福園的老人們讚不絕口;雖不克前來, 仍感受到同樣的一份關懷。


西沙加緬度的法界聖城,也邀請了許多中美 老年人士參加敬老節。沙加緬度中文學校學生 、戴維斯加大分校學生、與萬佛聖城的育良小 學、培德中學男校學生等多人,都前往法界聖 城為老人家表演節目。恆貴師在法界聖城的敬 老節中,敘述了一段宣公上人的往事:上人在 香港成立佛教講堂後,多年來上人在香港的果儀,都由佛教講堂存入銀行,給上人座下出家與在家老而無依的弟子作為生養喪葬的費用。上人一生都默默地立身行道,從不自我張揚。


溫哥華金佛聖寺的敬老節,有兩百多位 老年人參加。當地的護法居士並為老人家準 備了實用的小禮物,還有抽獎活動。在秋末 冬初之際,這項敬老活動,溫暖了許多老人 的心。


洛杉磯金輪聖寺邀請到養生協會會長康捷 生,為一百七十多位老人家介紹養生之道。 康會長綜合他多年的研究心得,指出養生之 道有三:第—,要活動,活著就要動,所以 要多散步、打拳、做運動。第二,飲食要節 制、謹慎。第三,心理要健康,不要發脾氣 ,不要有煩惱。若能做到這三點,就能做個 健康、長壽、又快樂的老人。恆願師也介紹 了佛家的養生之道:「就是念佛!」


在洛杉磯長堤市的長堤聖寺,北美衛星電 視臺董事長郭原勳女士、多位大學教授,以 及附近社區的老人都應邀參加。十多位小沙 彌表演太極拳、背誦整部《佛說父母恩重難 報經》,又講述「二十四孝」的故事。在前 賓州匹玆堡大學東亞語文學系主任楊富森教 授的主持下,這場敬老餐會十分熱閙,絕無 冷場。楊教授更以他多年票戲吊嗓子的功力 ,為大家唱弘一大師出家前的作品:「長亭 外,古道邊,芳草碧連天……」

十一月五日當晚,洛杉磯地區的北美衛星 電視臺播出宣公上人的專訪,談敬老節的意 義。一向不願上電視宣傳的上人,為了呼籲 大家重視孝道,尊重老人,提倡社會和諧風 氣,終於接受電視新聞的採訪。


臺灣屏東的福慧聖寺也於十一月五日舉行 敬老節,花蓮的彌陀聖寺則於十一月十二日 、十三日接連兩天擴大舉行。


繼敬老節之後,法界佛教總會各分支道場 將於明年春末夏初之際,再度連線舉辦懷少 節。

有鑒於現代社會人欲橫流,人心迷失在財 色、暴力與權力遊戲之間,造成天災人禍不 斷增加,宣公上人所提倡的敬老與懷少,實 在需要大家努力推行到世界各角落,讓人人 都知道要孝敬父母,老吾老以及人之老、幼 吾幼以及人之幼,社會自然趨向和諧安定, 暴力與災難也就隨之逐漸減少,甚至消弭於 無形。發揚敬老與懷少,是每一個人的本分 ,我們責無旁貸!

The Venerable Master Hua said: People in the United States are neglecting filiality, thus we hold the Celebration for Honoring Seniors in order to promote filiality and respect for elders as new customs.

The Celebration for Honoring Seniors, initiated by the founder of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association (DRBA), the Venerable Master Hua, was held for the third consecutive year on November 5, amidst the recitation of The Sutra in which the Buddha Speaks of the Difficulty of Repaying Parents' Kindness by the assembly. Branch monasteries of DRBA in the U.S., Canada, and Taiwan observed this celebration on the same day. The purpose of this international activity in honor of seniors is to promote peace and harmony in people's hearts and reduce the violent energy in the society.

At the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Students of Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Schools Demonstrate Talents Over one hundred Chinese and American seniors accepted the invitation and came to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), in Ukiah, California, to attend the celebration. Reporters from the local TV station, KFWU, radio stations KZYX and KWNE, and the Ukiah Daily Journal all came to cover the event. The principal of CTTB's girls' elementary and high schools, Terri Nicholson, explained to reporters that traditional American culture originally emphasized filiality and respect for seniors. However, Americans have long forgotten these values. This celebration is to help Americans rediscover their long lost traditional virtues.

The girl students of Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue High School demonstrated their talents in performances for the guests, which included Shakespeare's The Tempest, piano recitals, the fan dance, the cup dance, and so on. What drew the most smiles from the seniors was the loud, earnest recitation of the English translation of "The Rules for Being a Student" by students from kindergarten to third grade. When mother and father are calling, answer them right away. When they give you directions, obey them without hesitation. When your parents need to instruct you, respectfully do as you are told. Whenever your parents must scold you, acknowledge your errors and faults.

Mrs. Helene Epstein, an elder American, said delightedly in her interview with TV station KFWU, "This is a very meaningful activity. It shows our concern not only for seniors but for other people as well. It is especially meaningful for the Eastern and Western cultures to meet here." Students of Developing Virtue Girls' High School perform the cup dance.

At Gold Mountain Monastery, the Bean Soup Held Special Meaning

Despite the pouring rain, more than two hundred and thirty Buddhists showed up at Gold Mountain Monastery, in San Francisco's Chinatown, to take part in this celebration. Ten students from the University of California at Berkeley, who are also volunteer teachers of the monastery's weekend Chinese school, joined other young volunteers as ushers, waiters, and waitresses to serve the seniors. The Venerable Master also made a special phone call to give his regards to the seniors. The day before, the Master sent to the monastery a package of bean powder that some disciples had given him as an offering. The monastery cooked the bean powder in the sweet bean soup and served it to the seniors so that they could partake of the Master's blessing.

The monastery also prepared sixty vegetarian lunch boxes for Oakland Chinese Community Council Hong Fook Center. Though residents of the Center could not come to the monastery, the lunch boxes provided them with the same warmth and care. The tasty and pure vegetarian food won their praises.

At the City of the Dharma Realm, the Spirit of Fellowship Touched Everyone

The City of the Dharma Realm (CDR) in West Sacramento also invited many Chinese and American seniors to celebrate the event. Students from the Sacramento Chinese School, the University of California at Davis, and Instilling Goodness Boys' Elementary School and Developing Virtue Boys' High School of CTTB came to CDR to give performances for the seniors. Master Heng Gwei told a story about the Master: All these years since the Master established the Buddhist Lecture Hall in Hong Kong, he has deposited offerings received at the Buddhist Lecture Hall into the bank to pay for funerals and burials for his deceased left-home and lay disciples. Throughout his life, the Master has silently practiced the Way without ever advertising his deeds.

At Gold Buddha Monastery, Small Gifts Bear Great Meaning

Over two hundred seniors showed up at Gold Buddha Monastery to attend the celebration. The laypeople who support the monastery prepared practical presents for the seniors. The celebration included a prize drawing. Held at the end of fall and the beginning of winter, this activity warmed the hearts of many seniors.

At Gold Wheel Monastery, Recitation of the Buddha's Name is the Secret to Longevity

Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles invited the president of the Long Life Association, Mr. Kang Jie-Sheng, to introduce the secret of longevity to over 170 seniors. President Kang summarized his years of study and pointed out that there were three keys to long life: (1) Exercise. Since we are alive, we must be active. We should walk, practice martial arts, and exercise more often. (2) Pay attention to what you eat, and eat less. (3) Keep a wholesome state of mind. Don't lose your temper; don't get afflicted. Anyone who can do these three things will be a healthy, long-lived, and happy senior. Master Heng Yuan also introduced the Buddhist secret of long life: "It's just reciting the Buddha's name!"

At Long Beach Monastery, Amidst the Scenic Views, People Who Understand One Another Gather Together

The President of the Chinese Communication Channel Division of North America TV, Ms. Guo Yuanxun, as well as several professors and many seniors from the neighborhood attended the celebration. More than ten young novices gave a performance of tai chi chuan, recited The Sutra in which the Buddha Speaks of the Difficulty of Repaying Parents' Kindness from memory, and told stories about the Twenty-four Filial Sons. Professor Richard Yang, former chairman of the Department of East Asian Languages at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, hosted this very lively celebration. Professor Yang used his skills as an amateur Chinese opera singer to sing a song composed by the Great Master Hong Yi before he left the home-life: "Outside the long pavilion, by the side of an ancient path, the lush, green grass stretches to the horizon......

That evening, the local station of the Chinese Communication Channel Division of North America TV in Los Angeles aired a special interview with the Venerable Master, discussing the meaning of the Celebration for Honoring Seniors. The Master, who has never liked to appear on television, granted the interview in order to tell the public to emphasize filiality and respect for seniors, and to promote harmony in the society.

Honoring the Seniors of the Dharma Realm, Cultivating Blessings and Wisdom by Reciting the Buddha's Name

Blessing and Wisdom Monastery in Pin Dong, Taiwan, also held a Celebration for Honoring Seniors on November 5, while Amitabha Monastery in Hua Lian expanded the celebration to a two-day event held on November 12-13.

Honoring Seniors and Cherishing the Young, the Society Will Be in Peace and Harmony while Bad Customs Are Changed

In addition to this Celebration for Honoring Seniors, the branch monasteries of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association will hold a Celebration for Cherishing Youth once again in early summer next year.

In modern society, people's desires have run riot, and their minds are lost amidst wealth, lust, violence, and power struggles. Consequently, natural disasters and accidents keep increasing. Seeing the situation, the Master initiated these celebrations to promote respect for seniors and concern for young people. Everyone's effort is needed to spread this kind of activity to every corner of the world so that people will be filial and respectful to their parents, take care of the elderly, and love others' children as their own. Then the society will naturally become harmonious and peaceful. Accordingly, violence and disasters will gradually decrease and even disappear. Therefore, to promote respect for the elderly and concern for the young is everyone's responsibility. We are duty-bound!


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea