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恆法    文
by Heng Fa

「對對聯」是中國古有一門廣受學子喜愛 的文字遊戲。試舉天下各國語言文字,似乎 未見有如中文一般地能將文字「拆卸」又「 併合」的來回遊戲相對。上人把佛法帶來西 方,也把這一門東方文學傳給了西方學子。 每當上人稍有閒暇,或為了鬆弛一下嚴謹的 修行生活,就慈容滿面地步入妙語堂,指導 弟子對對聯。此外,上人還鼓勵大眾,要在 西方發揚對聯,並以英語來對對聯。

一反佛殿及講堂的氣氛,對聯課是輕鬆與 歡笑滿堂的。為何大眾如此興奮對對聯呢? 其中大有文章。對對聯,是上人考驗眾人智 慧的一個善巧機緣。因為對對聯不僅要對得 工整,聯中涵義,亦代表著個人的性格、天 份、學問,以及修持程度等。有些人把心事 寫在對聯上,講求開導;有些人把所悟之理 寫上對聯,祈求證明;亦有人藉用對聯,要 求出家。偶爾上人未一一親筆更正,仍然仔 細聆聽每句對子,一一的觀機逗教,往往只 改了一或二字,即蘊含著無窮教化,師徒之 間默默感應,以心印心,通常唯有當事者才 有所領會。





上人當場改了最後一句「當機用足立」,細 省之下,正是自己最大的毛病之一:小事小 聰明,大事大糊塗,尤其是當面關一刻,更 是躊躇不決,手忙腳亂;而上人修正的兩字 ,即對症下藥,此是一則親身體會上人以對 聯教化的事實。

跟隨上人學作對聯,也是眾生心中尋求依 歸,尋求佛菩薩感應的時候;藉著此機會, 可以高攀聖者懿德,也可以冒昧的比試聖賢 妙智。有時候,一個對子對不上來,窮思未 解法義之際,亦彷似當初神秀 大師的心焦如焚,徬徨無主之 窘境。許多新學者在絞盡了腦 汁後,只對上一副不太工整的 下聯,但上人也慈悲允許通過 。是故,不論老少或中外人士 ,出家在家,只要略懂幾個中 文字,在翻譯的幫助下,也樂 於嘗試一對,連不懂中文聽寫 之人,也願意在旁隨喜欣賞。 對聯對不上時,或可用個權 巧之法,在黑板上諸多下聯中 挑其片段,再把一段頭句及另 一段尾句續上,充數交卷…… ?是否有人如此作,並未詳查 ,但上人也不客氣的點明大眾 說:「對對聯,是見人智之時 ;要對得醒明,就可把好的句 子脫穎而出,不要老用陳腔舊調,別人對這 一句,我也對造一句,依樣照葫蘆畫瓢,一 條道路跑到黑;跟著別人跑是落後份子,應 該往前跑去。」

對聯要對上個好句子固然不容易,可是要 出個好題目更是難。但往往上人隨手一提筆 就寫。有一短期間大家對得興起,接連數月 只要上人一回聖城,就開聯戰。從簡單如: 「妙覺峰巔龍飛獅舞」的句子開始,大眾隨 著筆粉橫飛,各盡所能地把黑板寫得不留一 點空隙。其中也有【拆字】的遊戲:「白水 泉中一大天。」前兩個「白水」二字必須合 併成為第三個「泉」字,第六、第七「一大 」二字再合併成為最後「天」字。到後來的 【部首】文字遊戲,有「劉金童,舉金刀, 揮利劍,刀刀劈空不見血。」一連六把「刀 」––劉、利、劍、和三個「刀」字,在同 一個句子上。等對上了部首,有時又忘了還 有兩個相同的「」字。 眼看著弟子懈怠,上人又要訓話了,就出 了題:「混吃等死熬歲月,可憐之至。」望 著一群收回笑聲與沉慮自省的弟子,以及黑 板上零落稀疏的對子,上人又自對下聯:「 怠情自甘過光陰,悲苦永劫。」有位弟子體 諒上人悲心,在最後一分鐘才交了卷,對上 :「苦口婆心勸向善,慈悲深切。」隨後, 上人又哀愍眾生再題一聯:「空氣染污,移 居月球,三災即降。」催促弟子必須精進, 當今世界三災橫降,再不修行速求出離,就 沒有機會了。

妙聯中隱含禪機,上聯往往越出越妙。「 祖教授,孫國父,祖孫二人,誰老誰少誰知 道。」祖教授是當今世人,孫國父是古人, 祖孫到底誰老誰少呢?眾人不甘示弱,不管 對得好或對不好,也群起進攻。次日,上人 興致再起,又出相類似之聯:「擒丞相,拿 破崙,秦拏雙雄何忠何奸何不同。」「崙」 喻指「輪」:「擒拿」與「秦拏」同音同韻 ,「擒」「秦」同音,借用「擒」字來拿「 秦」丞相,要對上兩個人物及同音韻的字, 等字對上了,意思又顧不好。上人就說:「 你們越覺得不好對,我就偏給你們出這一類 的。」

奇怪的是,不管再難的題目,譬如楊富森 先生出了十一個【諧韻】字的上聯,「于瑜 與余欲漁遇雨於俞寓」,還總會有人嘗試來 對,從無冷場。這上聯的意思是:「于瑜和 我,想要捕魚,趨上了雨,在姓俞的公寓避 雨。」

由此可見,各人學問、背景程度雖然不同 ,但在智慧的考試下,人人平等,都能發揮 所學。

"Matching couplets" is an ancient Chinese game of words widely loved by students. Take a look at the various written languages we have in this world: it seems that none can be "taken apart" and "combined" back and forth like a game the way Chinese can. Along with the Buddhadharma, the Venerable Master has also transmitted this form of Oriental literature to his Western disciples. Whenever the Master has a little time or wants to let his disciples relax for a while from the serious life of cultivation, he walks into Wonderful Words Hall with a face full of kindness and teaches disciples matching couplets. The Master has also encouraged the assembly to promote matching couplets in the West and to do it in English.

The atmosphere in the matching couplets class is relaxed and full of laughter, very different from that of the lecture hall and the Buddha Hall. Why is everyone so excited about matching couplets? Well, there are a lot of things you have to figure out. It is an expedient way for the Master to test everyone's wisdom. To match a couplet, the words have to be in good order and the meaning contained in the matching line represents the author's character, talent, knowledge, cultivation, and so on. Some write their thoughts in the matches, requesting the Master's advice; while others express the principles they have realized, seeking the Master's certification; still others might take the chance to request the Master's permission to leave the home-life. Though sometimes the Master cannot correct every one of the matching lines personally, he still listens very carefully to each match. One by one, he teaches people according to their potentials. Even though the Master may change just a couple of words, the change contains a limitless teaching which only the author of the match will understand. There is a silent response between the teacher and the students; it is sealing the mind with the mind.

Four years ago, the Master gave as the first half of a couplet:

Everything is a test to see what I will do.
If I don't recognize the state I’m in, I’ll have to start anew.

Being a beginner, I also tried to match:

There are winds and waves to all things;
Let the waves have their way.
When the boat is about to capsize while sailing,
We must stand on our feet.

The Master changed the second half of the last line to "we should promptly put our feet down." Musing on it carefully, I saw that this was actually my biggest problem. In small matters, I apply a petty intelligence, but in major affairs, I become greatly confused. I am especially indecisive at the crucial moment, always in a flurry. The Master's correction of my line was just the right medicine to cure my problem. This is my personal experience of the Master's teaching and transforming through the medium of matching couplets.

In learning to match couplets with the Master, living beings are seeking a refuge within their minds and a response from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Not only can one take this chance to draw near the virtue of a sage, one can also try to match one's skill against the wonderful wisdom of the sage and worthy. Sometimes, when we have no idea, when we have reached the end of our wits and still don't understand the meaning of the dharma, our embarrassment and anxiousness are probably similar to what the Great Master Shenxiu must have felt when trying to come up with a verse. Many novices can only come up with something less than ideal after racking their brains, but the Master compassionately lets it pass. Therefore, whether they are old, young, Chinese, American, left-home, or lay people, as long as they know a few Chinese characters, all are willing to give it a try with the translator's help. Even those who do not understand Chinese are happy just to watch.

When you run out of ideas, you might think of this expedient: picking two matches from the board, then joining the first half of the first one to the second half of the second to make a match... It's not known if anyone has actually done this, but the Master has made very clear to the assembly, "When people match couplets, their wisdom becomes apparent. One's match should be sharp and insightful; then it will be a good line that stands out. Don't always play the same old tune and just do what others do, running back and forth on the same track until it is pitch black. If we just follow after others, we will fall behind. We should run to the front."

Though it is not easy to come up with a good matching second line, it is even harder to come up with a good first line to be matched. But it always seems so easy for the Master. There was a brief period of time when the enthusiasm for matching couplets was very high; for several consecutive months, whenever the Master came back to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, we would have matching couplets session. Among the various couplets, there were simple ones like "At the summit of Wonderful Enlightenment Mountain, dragons fly and lions dance." The assembly tried their best, covering the entire board with their matches. There was the game of "combining words," as in, "In the white water spring, there is one great sky." The characters "white" and "water" combine to make the character "spring"; and "one" and "great" combine to make "sky." There was also the game of "using characters with the same radical," as in, "The Golden Lad Liu lifted the golden knife and brandished the sharp sword; with knife after knife he slashed empty space, but no blood was seen." This line contains six characters with the "knife" radical: "Liu," "sharp," "sword," and "knife" three times. We finally came up with a match containing the required characters of the same radical, only to find that we'd forgotten to match the repeated character "golden."

Seeing his disciples becoming lazy, the Master gave this couplet, "Just eating one's fill and waiting to die: how pathetic." Observing his disciples as they stopped laughing and sank into deep self-examination, and noting the pitifully few matches on the board, the Master made a match himself: "Willing to be lazy in passing the days: the sorrow and suffering lasts forever." Finally, one disciple understood the Master's compassionate intent and matched it with, "Exhorting people to do good with a kind heart: the kindness and compassion are truly deep." Later, out of sympathy for living beings, the Master made another couplet urging disciples to be vigorous in their cultivation: "The air is polluted. Move to the moon. The three disasters are coming soon." The three disasters are imminent and if we don't cultivate and hurry to get out of the three realms, there will not be another chance.

Good couplets have hidden Chan meanings within them. The first lines the Master gave became more and more wonderful. "Professor Tsu, National Father Sun; grandfather and grandson. Who is old and who is young? Who knows?" [Note: In Chinese, Tsu and Sun are surnames, but they also mean grandfather and grandson, respectively.] Professor Tsu is still alive, while National Father Sun was a person of the past. Between the grandfather and the grandson, who is old and who is young? The assembly was not willing to admit defeat; people rallied to the attack regardless of whether the matches were good or not. The next day, the Master was in high spirits, and he gave another similar couplet, "Arrest the minister, Napoleon. Qin took in the two heroes. Which one was loyal and which was treacherous? What's the difference?" [Note: The Chinese transliteration for Napoleon sounds like: to pick up a broken wheel.] "Arrest" and "Qin" sound the same. "Arrest" is used to take minister "Qin." In this couplet, we have to match two persons and use two characters with the same pronunciation and rhyme. Even when we succeed in matching the characters, the meaning might be off. The Master said, "The harder you feel it is, the more of this kind I will give you."

Interestingly, no matter how difficult the couplet is, there will always be people who try to match it. For instance, Professor Yang once gave a couplet with eleven characters all with the same sound yu but differing only in tone. [Note: Chinese is spoken in four tones.] His couplet meant, "Yu-yu and I wanted to go fishing. Encountering rain, we stayed at Yu's apartment to avoid the rain."

So, even though we have different education and backgrounds, we are equally able to apply what we know in testing our wisdom.


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea