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A Dharma Talk by the Venerable Master Hua


我給你們出對聯,都是即景,隨時我見個什 麼就出個什麼,沒有一定的,所以你們大概捉 摸不透。一向是這樣子,這是千變萬化,沒有 一定的招數,也就像小孩子打醉拳一樣。

對對聯這種學問,就看看你的智慧如何?有 智慧,有辯才,有隨機應變,腦筋要活動一點 ,再難的也可以對;沒有真智慧,一難就無法 交卷了,這不是冒充的。你有智慧,對的對聯 都是特別新穎的,不是那麼陳腔舊調,而是很 突出的。若是照葫蘆畫瓢,那麼人的思路就不 能開闊了,就都抱著一條路跑到黑––人家對 這個,我也對這個,跟著旁人跑,這是落後份 子。所以這個對聯,就是見出人的智慧來了。 你思路來得敏捷,來得有道理,恰恰和前邊的 對聯是相對,意思相同也可以;或者意思相反 ,你有個人的意思這也可以,不過要唸得順口 ,不要太牽強、太生硬,令人唸了也不懂什麼 意思,這是不行的。你光字對上了,要是沒有 意思,那還是不行的;字也要相對,意思也要 有。所以,難就難在這個地方,這不能涼水打 茶––硬沖的,這要真在行才可以。


學問就要看這一點,你心裡頭是不是玲瓏透 體?是不是一見就懂了?雖然對對聯是個文化 ,但是對出來還要人懂,不能令人不懂,也要 看講得通不通,這是要有經常道理在裡頭,沒 有研究過的不行。譬如,我小的時候讀書,就 愛對對聯。有一回,老師出「雞鳴」這兩個字 ,你說我同學對什麼?對「丑時」,先生給批 個胡說。我對了「狗吠」,先生就給我打圈。 這我還記得呢。

我那時候很調皮,我們三十多個學生,一到 對聯這一課,他們就把本子往我那兒一塞,要 我給對。我就這個胡說幾個字,那個胡說幾個 字,說完了,我學他們寫字。我記得那時先生 出的「鴻雁空中過。」我替旁人對「糜鹿山內 遊。」先生一看本子,左看右看,就皺眉「這 個對子是你對的?我看你平時想不出這麼好的 句子!」他也不敢說是我給 他當槍手。就這麼調皮,因 為那時候我想他們是對不上 ,我給他們對一對,助人為 快樂之本。

一般的對對聯,只寫在一 個本子上,一個人對只有一 個人知道,我們這兒這麼多 人寫在黑板上,哪個對,哪 個不對,大家也知道。大家 在這兒可以觀摩,慢慢一點 一點都會懂這個對對聯是怎 麼樣的一種學問,這是開人 智慧的。


我們這個叫「遊戲三昧」。若有文思的,不 一定對對聯,就是寫詩、歌賦什麼都會才可以 的。不過,這對聯是詩詞歌賦的開始,你若會 對對聯了,什麼文章都容易作了。

這個對對聯,上聯出個「」字,下聯你應 該對個「」字,這意思不能矛盾啊!「」 對「」,「大陸」對「長空」,「山花」對 「海樹」,「樵子」對「漁翁」,「雲靉靆」 對「霧矇朧」,「風高秋夜白」對「雨霽晚霞 紅」,「雷隱隱」對「霧矇矇」,這都有一定 的音韻。

各位要注意,把古人的詩最好也都翻閱一下 ,看看是什麼樣子,就拿這個:「白日依山盡 ,黃河入海流;欲窮千里目,更上一層樓。」 這是一首五言詩,唸上來很順口的,意思也很 好的。「白日依山盡」:「白」是個顏色,「 日」就是太陽,「依山盡」,太陽沒有了;日 落西山,依著這個山就沒有了。下一句本來應 該「日」對個「月」,但是這個「月」也找不 出好句子了,他下邊就「黃河入海流」:「黃 河」水是黃色的,「入海流」,這黃河的水都 流到海裡去了,也都歸於大海,顯不出黃色了 。「欲窮千里目」:說你想要窮盡一千里那麼 遠的眼目,看到一千里,「更上一層樓」:你 再上高一層樓,看得就更遠一點了。這個詩的 本身都對著的。

【詞】作出來有長短句,或者有七個字、五 個字的,又有三個字的。【歌】,唱得要順口 。古人的文章都是相對的。還有王勃<滕王閣 序>,這就是【賦體】。賦體裡頭也有詩歌, 他一開始就說「南昌故郡」,南昌是故舊的地 名;下一句他對的是「洪都新府」,洪都是新 立的名字。「星分翼軫」:這個星分別有翼星 和軫星,(編按:此謂據洪都而上考天文,則 與南七宿之翼星軫星,遙相分界。)「地接衡 廬」:地接近到這衡山和廬山,所以這都是對 著的。「襟三江而帶五湖」:襟三江,三江像 南昌的衣襟似;帶五湖,五湖像南昌一個腰帶 子似的。下一句對的是「控蠻荊而引甌越」。 (編按:控蠻荊,可以控南蠻的荊楚;引甌越 ,可以連繫東方的甌越。)「物華天寶,龍光 射牛斗之墟;人傑地靈,徐孺下陳蕃之榻。」 (編按:物產的光華,也就是上天之瑞寶,就 像豐城雙劍,龍文光彩,直射於牽牛星、南斗 星之域。人中之英傑,正由於地方靈氣所鍾, 就像洪都高士徐孺子,每下於太守陳蕃之榻。 )這一句一句,都是對著的。你能懂得對對聯 了,你寫出文章也特別不同。

對對聯、詩詞歌賦,你們都一點一點的要明 白,不是就單單對對聯。文學是沒有止盡的, 學海無涯,沒有邊際。


How Can One Make Tea with Cold Water?

When I give you the first line to match for a couplet, it is always impromptu. Whatever I see at the time will be the subject. It is not fixed, so you may not be able to predict it. It has always been this way: myriads of changes with no fixed rules. It is just like children playing at drunken boxing.

The skill of matching couplets depends on your wisdom. If you have wisdom, eloquence, the ability to adapt to the situation, and quick wits, then you will be able to match even the difficult ones. If you do not have true wisdom, then when it becomes challenging, you will not be able to pass. You cannot fake it. The match made by one with wisdom is fresh and outstanding, and not the same old tune played over and over. If you just model your match after others', then your thoughts will never broaden. You will be running back and forth on the same track. "Others use these words in their match, and I follow suit." That is what those who lag behind do. So, from the couplets people match, we can see their wisdom. When you are quick-witted, your match will correspond perfectly with the first line; the meaning can either be similar or contrary to that of the first line; your match can also hold personal significance. However the match should read very smoothly and not be forced. If it's too stiff and people do not understand what it means, that will not do. If you match just the words and not the meaning, that still won't do. The two lines must be matched in both words and meaning. That is the most difficult part. You cannot make hot tea with cold water, trying to force it. You have to really be good at it.

The Child with a Bright Mind and Sharp Ears

To determine a person's learning, just see if his mind is discerning and penetrating, and if he understands at the first sight. Though matching couplets is a refined, cultural activity, a match still should be easily understood by people and not be something which no one understands. It should also make sense. There should be some constant principle in it. Therefore, if you do not spend some effort in studying it, it won't work. When I was a kid, I loved to match couplets. One time, the teacher gave the phrase "A cock crows" to be matched. Do you know what my classmate matched it with? He matched it with "Chou period" (the period from I to 3 A.M.), which the teacher marked as nonsense. I matched it with "A dog barks," and the teacher gave me a circle (signifying approval). I still remember this.

I was pretty naughty at that time. There were over thirty students in the class. When we had to match couplets, they would shove their notebooks towards me and ask me to do it for them. Then I would write a few words for this one, and another few words for that one. I imitated their handwriting. I remembered once when the teacher gave the line: "The wild geese fly through the sky." I matched it for another student with: "The elk roam in the mountains." The teacher kept looking at the notebook with a frown and asking, "Did you match this? I don't think you would normally come up with such a good match!" The student didn't dare to say that I had done it for him. That's how naughty I was. At that time, I reasoned that since they could not come up with any matching lines, I would write matches for them. Helping others is the source of happiness.

In matching couplets class, usually people write their matches in their own notebooks. Each person knows only his own matches. Here, we have so many people writing their matches on the blackboard. Everyone can see whose is right and whose is wrong. Everyone can learn by watching. Gradually, you will understand the skill involved in matching couplets. It develops people's wisdom.

The Principles for Writing Poems, Verses, and Rhyming Compositions Are the Same

What we're doing is called "playful samadhi." Literary people should not only be good at matching couplets, but should also be able to compose poems, verses, and prose. However, matching couplets is the stepping stone for writing poems, verses, and rhyming compositions. If you know how to match couplets, other forms of composition will be easy for you.

In matching couplets, when there is a "sky" in the top line, you should match it with "earth" in the bottom line. The meaning of your match should not be contradictory. You should match "rain" with "wind," "the vast sky" with "the great earth," "Trees by the sea" with "flowers in the mountains," "fisherman" with "woodcutter," "hazy fog" with "dim clouds," "The evening clouds are crimson once the rain has stopped" with "The autumn night is silver when the wind is blowing high," and "The fog is hazy" with "The thunder is muffled." All of these have a fixed cadence and rhyme.

Everyone should pay attention to this. You should also read the poems composed by the ancients to see what they are like. Take this one, for example: "The white sun disappears behind the mountain; the Yellow River flows into the ocean. If you want to gaze a thousand miles farther, you should climb one story higher."This is a poem of five-character lines (in Chinese); it rhymes well when recited. The meaning is very good, too. The white sun disappears behind the mountain. "White" is a color. "Rests upon the mountain" means the sun disappears; it sinks behind the western mountain. It disappears when resting on the mountain. The next line should have the word "moon" to match "sun." However, it is difficult to come up with a good line with "moon." So, instead, the author wrote, "The Yellow River flows into the ocean." "Yellow" is a color, "flows into the ocean" means the water from the Yellow River flows into the ocean and loses its color. The yellow is no longer visible. If you want to gaze a thousand miles farther, if you would like to gaze a thousand miles into the distance, then you should climb one story higher. You should go one floor up. Then you will see farther. This poem has matching couplets in it.

Verses consist of long and short lines; there may be seven, five, or three characters in each line. Songs should be easy to sing smoothly. The compositions of the ancients all contained matching lines. Also, there was Wang Bo's "Preface for Teng Wang Pavilion." Its format has become the standard for rhyming compositions." Within prose, there are poems. He started the prose by saying "The ancient town Nanchang." Nanchang was the name of an old place. He matched it with the next line: "The new capital Hongdu." Hongdu is the name of a newly established place. "Among stars, it divides Yi and Zhen." [Note: If one looks at the heavens above the capital Hongdu, one finds that it corresponds to a point in space midway between the distant stars Yi and Zhen of the Little Dipper.] "On land, it is close to Heng and Lu." It is located near Mount Heng and Mount Lu. These lines are all matched. "Three rivers as its lapel and five lakes as its belt." This talks about the geographic location of Nanchang. It has three rivers as its lapel and five lakes as its belt. The next line is: "Controlling the barbarian state of Jing and extending to the states Ou and Yue.” [Note: controlling the barbarian state of Jing means its location enabled it to control the southern barbarian states of Jing and Chu; extending to the states of Ou and Yue means it could also establish relations with the eastern states of Ou and Yue.] "The splendid produce of the land is heaven's treasure. The light of the dragon shoots up towards Herdboy and Dipper. Great men are born in this propitious place. Xu Ru often visited Chen Fan. [Note: The choicest of the earth's resources is the fortune of the heaven. Just like the twin swords of the City of Fong, the bright light of the dragon prints shot straight up to the areas of the star Herdboy and the Southern Dipper. Heroes are born in this propitious land, such as the eminent scholar Xu Ru Zi of Hongdu, who often stayed at the Prefect Chen Fan's.] These lines are all matched couplets. Once you understand how to write matching couplets, you will be able to write compositions that are unique.

Whether it is matching couplets, or writing poems, verses, songs, or rhyming compositions, you should all learn little by little. Don't limit yourself to matching couplets. The study of literature is endless. The ocean of learning has no shores; it is boundless.

→To be continued


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