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【恆朝    一九七七年五月八日 】

Heng Chau    May 8, 1977


一九九二年五月,在我任性離家出走,又無處 大雨傾盆。我們遵照指示在室內拜,「因為 雨天很危險,路上的車子可能看不見你們。勉 強逞能並非好法門。等雨停了,再從相等於已 拜過的距離開始。」拜時,僧團也如昨天一般 地圍著我們念〈大悲咒〉。

拜時心境:深深地瞭解師父是怎樣度化與他 有緣的無量眾生。因為你能像一個容器包容著 眾生,幫助他們悔悟,擔負他們的困苦。你之 所以有這能力,因為有無數眾生替你這麼做過 。要孝順。我們是一體的;緊緊地連繫在一起 。無止盡的布施。這兩天在朝拜的時候,我都 是感動得熱淚盈眶。真不可思議。

忠告:別和任何人抗爭。要讓!運用你的智 慧、慈悲、喜捨。精進、耐心、誠直,去貪慾 ,要謙虛,不要傲慢像個皇帝,不要妄想有什 麼境界。要逐魔,時常迴向功德。別入定,要 知道自己是個護法。但也別被境界所轉;隨緣 不變,不變隨緣。要把自我放下;沒有了我執 就不會犯錯,當然也就不會有惡果。如此這般 ,你就可以有所幫助。

上人開示:     一九七七年五月八日

「三步一拜」不是大家都想要做的事。為什 麼呢?因為太困難了。在馬路旁三步一拜是很 危險的,所以你隨時都要提高警覺,拜的時候 不能入定。你入定,車子可不入定,就會把你 壓碎,那你就非去西方極樂世界不可了。去西 方極樂世界本來是件好事,但是我們在這兒的 事情還沒完成;我們在這個極苦世界的責任還 沒有完成,所以你不可以自私的先走一步。這 點很重要。特別是在彎路或窄路上,寬度只夠 車子走而沒有地方行人,這時你們可以在路邊 的草地上拜,以免危險。

同時有人問話時,只要有一個回答就好,不 需要兩個。果廷(恆朝)你是護法,最好是由 你回答問題。果真(恆實)你就不用回答了。 不要和人說太多,這樣他們才會覺得更妙。如 果你很詳細的解釋,每個人都懂你們在做什麼 ,那就不妙了。不可思議的意思,就是別讓他 們知道,別跟他們解釋。果廷,你可以回話, 但無論如何也別說的太多,別講經說法,別給 什麼評論,這很重要。多帶條褲子,以免褲子 磨破了,光屁股。拜的時候一定要穿長袍,那 麼褲子破了也不要緊。不要像以前的那個老修 行那樣穿著不結實的舊褲子,拜破了就沒得穿 。還好,那時候有感應發生,在馬路當中找到 了一條褲子。那是以前發生的事。這次你們要 帶衛生紙;別像以前那位用了有毒的樹葉。他 痛得不但不能拜,連動都不能動,只能像個小 羊似的咩咩叫,這也是很要緊的。

還有,你們同時發願不喝可樂。這規矩立得 不錯。如果你們喝可樂,那麼人家就要請你們 喝啤酒,喝了啤酒,威士忌、白蘭地也來了。 這都是有關連的。不喝可樂,就不會有人勸喝 啤酒、威士忌、白蘭地。這是個好方法。

果廷今天的體驗很不錯。可以說拜了第一天 ,他就開了一點悟。這樣每天開點悟,等到拜 完全程時,一定會有很深刻的明白和敏銳之洞 察力。到那時你們就能有效力地宣揚佛法於世 界。做這些最愚癡的事情會使你們得到無上的 智慧,功夫不會白費的。

現在萬佛城裡的萬佛還沒有做完。觀音菩薩 已經完工了,觀音可變化成萬佛。等你們到達 時,萬佛會在那兒歡迎你們。我知道等你們拜 到那兒時,萬佛都會飛來,使那兒變成無與倫 比的莊嚴寶地。這個世界的佛法就要開始發揚 。等你們到達時,萬佛會為你們摩頂授記:「 善哉!善哉!是真精進,真修行人!」同時這 樣讚美你們,別忘了,將來你們到達萬佛城時 ,萬佛都會為你們摩頂授記。

所以雖然三步一拜是最愚癡的事,但將來的 報償也是最殊勝的。養成大拙方為巧,學到如 愚始見奇,那時你就成為世所稀有的人,你也 就是一個真修行人了。


Pouring rain. We are instructed to bow inside surrounded by the Sangha who recite the Great Compassion Mantra, as they did all day yesterday while we bowed on the road. "Don't force it, that's not proper Dharma. It's dangerous today. Cars might hit you; they can't see well. When the rain stops, continue where the equivalent of what you bowed yesterday would be."

State while bowing: I understand deeply all the countless beings within Shih Fu being crossed over. Be a container to carry living beings, to repent, to take on suffering for living beings, because you can. You can because countless others have for you. Filial piety. We are all one; keep the string connected. Give ceaselessly. Both days while bowing I was on the verge of tears throughout. Inconceivable.

Advice: Don't fight with anyone. Yield!!! Use your wisdom, your kindness, compassion, joy, and giving. Hard work, patience, be straight (sincere). No desire. Be humble, not arrogant like an emperor. Forget about states. Chase away demons, and transfer merit constantly. Don't float off into samadhi. You're the Dharma Protector. But don't be moved. Accord with conditions and don't change; don't change and accord with conditions. Forget yourself; no self means no mistakes, which in turn means no retribution. Then you are in a position to be of some help.

Venerable Master's Instructions      May 8, 1977

Bowing once every three steps is not the kind of method that anyone wants to do. Why? It's too difficult. To bow along the road once every three steps is very dangerous. So at all times, you want to be very careful. Don't enter samadhi while you are bowing. You may enter samadhi, but the cars won't; and they will come and bump into you, smashing you to smithereens. Without any choice, you'll be off to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Basically, going off to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is a good thing, but we haven't finished what we're doing here; we haven't fulfilled our responsibilities in this land of ultimate suffering. So you can't be selfish and go off first to the Pure Land. This is very important. Especially on the curves of the road or narrow places where there's only room for cars and not for pedestrians, you can bow alongside in the grass off the road if the road is dangerous.

Also, when people ask you questions, you should have one person assigned to answer. Only one of you needs to answer, not two. Now Guo Ting (Heng Chau), you are the Dharma protector. It would be best if you answered the questions. Guo Chen (Heng Sure), you don't need to answer. Don't get involved with people and they will think it's even more wonderful. If you explain it all very clearly and every one understands what you're doing, then it's no longer wonderful. Inconceivable means just not letting them know. Don't explain to them. Guo Ting, you can answer, but don't talk too much, no matter what's going on. Don't lecture Sutras and speak Dharma for people. Don't give commentaries. This is important. You should take along a good pair of pants so you don't end up naked from having them rip to shreds. You should always wear your long robe; and then if your pants rip, it won't matter. Don't be like the one who bowed before, the "old cultivator" whose pants were so old that they weren't very strong, and after bowing for a while on the road, he didn't have any pants to wear. Fortunately, there was a response at that point, and suddenly in the middle of the road, a pair of pants appeared. That is something that happened in the past. And this time you should take along toilet paper; don't be like the one who used poison oak leaves instead. He got laid up so bad he couldn't bow; he couldn't even move; he couldn't do anything but cry "Maaa!" like a little lamb. This is important, too.

Other than that, the two of you already have an identical vow not to drink cola. That's not a bad condition to set up. If you drink cola, then people will want to give you beer; and once they've given you beer, they'll want to give you whiskey. And once it's whiskey, it will be brandy. So there's an interconnection. If you don't drink cola, no one will give you beer, or whiskey, or brandy. That is a good way.

The things Guo Ting experienced today were very good. You could say that on this first day of bowing, he has attained a bit of enlightenment. Having attained a bit of enlightenment on the first day, on the second day you will attain a bit more, and more on the third day, the fourth day, and so forth to the end of your bowing; and you will achieve great penetration and enlightenment. When you have great penetration and enlightenment, you will be able to propagate Buddhadharma in the world in a useful way. So in doing the most stupid of things, you two should obtain the loftiest of wisdom; then you will not have bowed in vain.

Now at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the ten thousand Buddhas are still not complete. Guan Yin Bodhisattva is finished, and Guan Yin can transform into ten thousand Buddhas. And when you arrive there, ten thousand Buddhas will welcome you. I know that as you bow there, the ten thousand Buddhas will fly there. They will all arrive so you can see the wonderful adornments of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, matchless beyond compare. In the world, the source of Buddhism is about to expand. When you get there, the ten thousand Buddhas will rub your crowns and give you predictions. "Good indeed, good indeed, this is called true vigor. You are true cultivators," they will praise the two of you. Don't forget when you get to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the future that the ten thousand Buddhas will rub your crowns and give you predictions.

So although this is said to be the stupidest of things, on the other hand, the rewards are the very highest. When you grow into a dolt, that becomes the esoteric. When you've studied to the point that you're as if stupid, you become rare in the world; then you are a true cultivator of the Way.

→To be continued


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