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真懺悔    &nbs 文     by True Repentance

雖然我已皈依宣公上人多年,但因業障深重 ,總不願更深入地去聽聞佛法。對於最基本的 概念––所謂五惡十善,均一知半解,因此作 惡多端。常以語意去傷害別人,並忌妒在周圍 的一切比我好的人。甚至於還去貪一切不該屬 於自己的東西。更加可悲的是:經常打男女間 的惡念頭。如今想來,這都是在造地獄的根哪 !我真是一個五惡不赦的罪人!

兩年前,在一次的因緣下,也不知如何,一 直想到萬佛城打佛七。因此向公司告假一星期 ,以便能夠完整地打完佛七。在開始打七的時 候,總覺得阿彌陀佛就好像示現在眼前一樣, 竟是那麼的莊嚴、那麼的親切,不禁悲從中來 ,深深懺悔以往所造的諸惡業,以至於淚流滿 面。在七日當中,每日如此。因此至誠發願往 生西方極樂淨土,並在這有生之年多作佛事。

在打完佛七之後,深深體會到,在這人生的 道路上,還有比金錢更值得去追求的東西,那 就是學佛、拜佛。因此過了幾個月,我就決然 地把工作辭掉了。藉此能夠在家專心作佛事, 並且經常參加法會、拜懺。如今在生活物質上 不似以往那麼富裕,可是身心卻得到無比的輕 安。事實上,這世俗的一切名利,如今對我來 說,就好像是一片浮雲。只願此生能早日成為 一位真正的佛弟子,並弘法利生,以報答師父 上人的諄諄教誨。

Although I have taken refuge with the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua for many years, due to heavy karmic obstacles, I was never willing to deeply enter the Buddhadharma until two years ago. Thus, I only had half understanding of the most basic concepts, such as the five evil acts, the ten good deeds, and so on. Therefore, I committed many evils. I often hurt others with words, and was jealous of people around me who were better off. I was even greedy for things which I did not deserve. What's more pitiful was that I often gave rise to evil thoughts about men and women. In all of these offenses, I was creating the roots of hell. I was truly an unforgivable offender of the five evils.

Two years ago, circumstances were such that I wanted to come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to attend the Buddha Recitation Session. I took one week off from work so that I could attend the whole session. At the beginning of the session, I kept feeling that Amitabha Buddha was manifesting in front of my eyes. He was so adorned and so kind. I could not help but deeply repent of all the evil karma I had created in the past, to the point that tears were streaming down my face. It was like this every day through the whole session. Therefore, I vowed sincerely to be reborn in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and also to do more Buddha's work in this life.

After the session ended, I felt that while traveling on the road of life, we can do something more worthwhile than pursuing money, namely, study Buddhism and bow to the Buddha. Therefore, a few months later, I resolutely quit my job so that I could concentrate on doing Buddha's work at home, as well as attending Dharma sessions, bowing in repentance, and so on. Now, although my life is not as affluent as before in materialistic terms, my body and mind have attained an incomparable feeling of lightness and ease. In fact, worldly fame and benefit are like wisps of drifting cloud to me. I only wish to soon become a true Buddha's disciple in this life, and to propagate the Dharma to benefit living beings so as to repay the Venerable Master's tireless teaching.


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