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Buddhism andPsychology


A Dharma Talk by the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua

All states and all the myriad phenomena are produced from the mind.

編按:美國洛杉磯加州大學佛學社於今年四月九日邀請宣公上人說法,題目為「佛教與心理學」 。是日由上人領著弟子恆實師、恆德師、恆奘師、恆薰師前去,按慣例由弟子們先說,然後上人 開示。本刊特整理出來與讀者共享,其中恆實師的開示,下期刊出。

Editor's Note: The Buddhist Association of the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) invited the Venerable Master Hsüan Hua to give a lecture on "Buddhism and Psychology" on April 9, 1994. That day the Venerable Master brought his disciples, Bhikshus Heng Sure and Heng Der, and Bhikshuni Heng Jhuang and Shramanerika Heng Syun. Following the tradition, each disciple gave a talk, and then the Venerable Master lectured. The Dharma talks of the Venerable Master and his disciples are presented in the following pages. Master Heng Sure's talk will be presented in the next issue.



What Is Buddhism?


這個「佛」字,是梵語Buddha,不是中國話,我們中國人願意省文,願意簡單,Buddha 就不說Buddha,就說「佛」。所以「佛」是半梵語。這個 Buddha 聽上來就是「不大」,佛並不是比人大,也不比人小,所以不大不小就是佛。不大,就沒有貢高我慢的思想;不小,就沒有自卑感,沒有自暴自棄的這種思想,沒有這種心理。不大,不比眾生怎麼樣高超;不小,不比眾生低賤。所以才成為佛。




We all want to understand the teachings of Buddhism. In order to do that, we must first understand the Buddha. In his past lives, the Buddha cultivated blessings and wisdom for three asamkhyeyas (an infinite number) of eons, and planted the causes for his hallmarks and features for a hundred eons. After a long, long time of cultivating various practices, he became a Buddha.

The word Buddha is Sanskrit, but in Chinese it sounds like the words "not big." So the Buddha isn't bigger than people. Nor is he smaller than people. Neither big or small, that's the Buddha. Not big means he doesn't have any arrogance. Not small means he doesn't have an inferiority complex. He doesn't give up on himself or think that he's not worth anything. He doesn't have that kind of attitude. He is neither loftier than living beings, nor is he lower than living beings. That's why he's called a Buddha.

What's the meaning of Buddha? We study the Buddha, believe in the Buddha, and recite the Buddha's name, but we don't know what the word Buddha means. Isn't this regrettable?

Buddha includes three meanings: one who is self-enlightened, one who enlightens others, and one who is perfect in enlightened conduct. He has completed these three kinds of enlightenment. He himself is enlightened, and he has taught living beings to become enlightened. When he has perfected his own enlightenment and the enlightenment of others, that's called the perfection of enlightened conduct. So he has realized Buddhahood. The Buddha is perfect in the three enlightenments, and replete with the myriad virtues. One who is self-enlightened belongs to the Two Vehicles, while one who enlightens others is walking the Bodhisattva Way. One who is perfect in enlightened conduct has perfected both self-enlightenment and the enlightenment of others, and is a Buddha replete with the myriad virtues. He certifies to the Wisdom of the Great Perfect Mirror, the Wisdom of Equal Nature, the Wisdom of Wonderful Contemplation, and the Wisdom of Accomplishment. The Buddha has perfected the three kinds of enlightenment, and also has the four kinds of wisdom. He has great wisdom, and completely understands all worldly and transcendental dharmas; thus he is called the Buddha.

After he became a Buddha, he wanted everyone to become a Buddha, so he spoke the teachings. The Buddha's teachings include the Three Treasuries and Twelve Divisions. The Three Treasuries are the Sutras, the Vinaya, and the Shastras. The Twelve Divisions are prose, verses, predictions, interjections, unrequested teachings, causes and conditions, analogies, past lives, lives of disciples, extensive teachings, previously inexistent teachings, and commentarial literature. The Twelve Divisions are not different sutras. Every sutra includes these Twelve Divisions. In studying Buddhism, we must study the Sutras. The Sutras are a path to Buddhahood. If we want to become Buddhas, we must follow the path of cultivation. So that's why the Buddha spoke the Sutras, which make up the Buddhist teachings.


What Is Psychology?






Psychology, the study of the mind, is infinite and inexhaustible. It is neither excessive nor deficient. The mind encompasses all of space, and pervades the worlds as many as grains of sands. That's the function of the mind. However, we must realize that the mind's function is both vast and subtle, and we must first examine and study its minute aspects. If we don't understand the minute aspects, we won't be able to understand the vast and subtle principles. Therefore, we must understand that the mental state creates a karmic response. Whatever mental state you have, you receive that kind of retribution. If you plant a good cause, you'll receive a good fruition. If you plant a bad cause, you'll get a bad result.

What is a good cause? It's a good thought. If you have a bad thought, that's a bad cause. The ancients described the Chinese character "mind" like this:

Three dots like a constellation,
A hook like the crescent moon.
Those with fur arise from this,
And Buddhas come from it, too.

The Chinese character for "mind" (心) consists of three dots and a hook. The three dots are spread out like stars while the hook looks like the crescent moon. "Those with fur arise from this": When you plant an evil cause you get an evil retribution. When you become a Buddha, it also starts with the mind. So we talk about giving rise to delusion, creating karma, and undergoing retribution. With one thought of ignorance, we commit all kinds of karma. With one thought of wisdom, we can eradicate all kinds of karma. It's all a function of the mind. That's why the ancients said, "Those with fur arise from this, and Buddhas come from it, too." It all comes from the mind. So in the Flower Adornment Sutra, it says,

If you want to understand All the Buddhas of the past, present, and future, Contemplate the nature of the Dharma Realm: Everything is made from the mind alone.

All states and all the myriad phenomena are produced from the mind. When the mind is born, all dharmas come into being. When the mind dies, all dharmas are extinguished.

→To be continued


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