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Sharing the Know-How in Caring for the Elderly

□     吳如璧.吳果海 文
By Nhu-Bich & Maria Ngo



–消防部門規定:門要有四十吋寬,還有測 煙器和灑水噴嘴等亦為必要。


(Continued from last issue)
III. The Resident
8. Medication: It is recommended that all medication be centrally stored. A medicine cabinet is used to this effect, with small compartments bearing the names of each resident and containing their medicines. No resident is allowed to keep medication in his own room for safety reasons. Make sure the medication is actually taken by the resident, because you will find out that some do not like the medicine and throw it away.
9. Sleep: Older people need to get enough sleep. Avoid daytime naps if possible, because those who take siestas are less likely to sleep at night and may cause more problems for themselves and for others. Make sure that the room is warm enough, and the resident is warm enough.

IV. The "Problem" Resident
1. The wanderer: This type of person cannot sleep at night and wanders around the house, opening other people's rooms. It is not legal to lock him up in his room. But he is very bothersome to the others in the house. Talk to his family and/or to his doctor to see what can be done to help ease the problem. Make sure he does not go out of the house in the middle of the night unnoticed.
2. The complainer: This person complains all the time about anything. He may use the telephone to complain to people outside the Residential Care Home. Share this with his family, and discuss with his relatives what can be done to help.
3. Persons with Alzheimer's disease: At an advanced stage of this disease, the patient is confused and does not remember anything, even his own name or the name of his children. At present, science cannot cure this illness, which is caused by a virus that attacks certain parts of the brain. The patient may ordinarily be quiet and harmless, and yet at times become violent. It must be determined beforehand whether or not you can handle this kind of resident.
4. Persons with Parkinson's disease: The sick person shakes frequently, and his joints shrink gradually. In the early stage of the malady, he can still walk and maybe feed himself. But at an advanced stage, his limbs are stiff and he can't even bring the food from the plate to his mouth. You must decide whether or not you can help him.
Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease are, to our knowledge, not contagious.

V. Some Thoughts on Caring for the Elderly in a Buddhist Environment
1. Decide whether or not a license should be obtained. A government license places us under the rules and regulations of the issuing agency, but it would be helpful in case we want to apply for grants from government or private foundations.
2. If more than six persons are served, and if a license is held, the applicable laws are much more stringent. Examples:
- Fire Department regulations: doorways must be 40" wide, smoke detectors and sprinklers are required, etc.
- Title 22 of the state government contains many rules and regulations concerning personnel and the safety of clients.
3. We would have a compound including living quarters, bedrooms, a dining room, and a Buddha Hall where the daily ceremonies would be performed. Then the elderly would not have to go outdoors to go to the main Buddha Hall in the winter.
4. Residents could be organized into two groups: males and females, with a leader or team of leaders appointed or elected by each group.
5. In such a compound, residents would benefit from the presence of a Master, the Dharma Masters, a caring staff, and a mutually supporting group of peers.
6. Only vegetarian food would be served.
7. The staff would learn to practice filial piety while serving the residents, considering them as their own parents.
8. Daily living would consist of morning recitation, the Great Compassion Repentance, evening recitation, sitting meditation, lectures, and repentances as appropriate.
9. Dharma Masters would be assigned to lecture on sutras or to conduct ceremonies as applicable.
10. All residents and staff would follow the Six Guidelines of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.
11. Pure Land practices would be the prevalent form of cultivation. Residents would learn to recite Amitabha Buddha's name and to use recitation beads. They would be taught to prepare to face the last moment of their lives with courage.
12. As appropriate, we could organize birthday parties, pilgrimages, and trips to attend ceremonies at other facilities and banquets in honor of the elderly like those held by Dharma Realm Buddhist Association in Los Angeles in 1993 and Sacramento in 1994.

Editor's Note: The practice of filial piety toward one's parents and elders is not only the frequent topic of the Venerable Master Hua's instructional talks, but also the essential regulatory practice prescribed for all Buddhist disciples. We provide the practical points in this article for you to consider, and sincerely welcome your responses regarding your experiences or any difficulties you have encountered in taking care of the elderly.


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