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Quotations of the Venerable Master Hua

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每一個出家、在家學佛的人,不要以貪心來學佛,不要以爭心來學佛, 不要以向外馳求的心來學佛,不要以自私自利的心來學佛,也不要打妄語, 不能說我有世智辯聰,可以說得天花亂墜,地湧金蓮,這是沒有用的, 所以必須要躬行實踐。

「一切是考驗,看爾怎麼辦?覿面若不識,須再從頭煉。」 這是你們都會的吧!可是我們一到考驗的時候,往往就考不上,就落選了。 為什麼考不上?就因為有脾氣,有無明,有執著; 若能把無明、脾氣、欲念都去了,誰都會考得上。 若考不上,不要氣餒,要再接再厲。

「粗言及細語,皆歸第一義。」 粗的人,要聽粗的;那麼細的人,要聽細的。 所以粗言及細語,都是第一義諦。 你會得,是第一義諦;你若不會得,不知多少諦了。

古人說的好,天地不可一日無和氣, 做天地的,一天沒有和氣也不可以的。 我們每一個人,就是一小天,天是一大天。 那麼天地都要和氣,我們人更要和氣了。

我不單是小乘沒有,大乘也沒有,我是無乘的。 本來也沒有大乘,也沒有小乘,什麼也沒有的, 都是人自生分別,在裡面分大分小,分門別類。

若不能斷欲去愛,一天到晚對情愛看不空, 修行絕對不會有所成就的。




發脾氣就是原子彈,就是氫氣彈,就是死光, 就是這種最犀利、無形無相的殺人武器。 它殺人於無形,不但把人的肉身殺了,把人的靈魂也都毀滅了。

「以力服人者,非心服也;以德服人者,心悅而誠服也。」 我們隨時隨地都不能用力來和人爭。 要用道德、倫理、人心來做人。 若盡和人爭,這是用力量、用勢力來叫人佩服,人什麼時候也不會佩服的。

Whether one is a left-home or lay student of Buddhism, one should not use greed and contention to study Buddhism. Nor should he study Buddhism with a mind of seeking outside, or with a selfish or self-benefitting mind. Nor should he tell lies. He shouldn't think, "I'm endowed with worldly knowledge and eloquence, and I can speak so wonderfully that heavenly flowers fall in profusion and golden lotuses well forth from the ground." That's useless. One must actually put the teaching into practice.

"Everything is a test, to see what you will do. If you don't recognize what's before your face, you'll have to start anew." You all know this! Yet when the test comes, we usually fail to pass. Why can't we pass the test? Because we have a bad temper, ignorance, and attachments. If we can get rid of our ignorance, bad temper, and desires, then we will all be able to pass. If you fail, don't be discouraged; just keep trying.

"Simple explanations and detailed descriptions all express the non-dual principle." Straightforward people want to listen to what is simple; sophisticated people want to listen what is detailed. Simple and detailed words all express the non-dual principle. If you understand, then they express the non-dual principle; if you don't understand, then who knows what kind of principle they express.

The ancients said it well: Heaven and Earth cannot exist for a day without harmony. Heaven and Earth are not to be in disharmony for even one day. Each one of us is a small heaven; Heaven is a big heaven. Heaven and Earth should be in harmony, and people should be in harmony even more.

I don't belong to the Small Vehicle (Hinayana), and I don't belong to the Great Vehicle (Mahayana). I have no Vehicle at all. Basically, there isn't any Great Vehicle or Small Vehicle. There isn't anything at all. These are all just the discriminations that people make, categorizing it into the great and the small and creating different sects.

If one cannot cut off love and desire, and fails to see through emotional love, then one will never have any accomplishment in cultivation.

A cultivator of the Way should not do as he pleases. He should not be casual and perfunctory. Nor should he refuse to listen when he is instructed.

If one wishes to be a good person, one must first be without afflictions, temper, and ignorance.

If you are fighting, greedy, seeking, selfish, pursuing personal benefit, or lying, then you will never be in accord with the Buddhadharma.

When you lose your temper, it's equivalent to an atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, or laser beam going off. It's the most deadly invisible weapon. It kills others invisibly, destroying not only their physical bodies, but also their souls.

"One who subdues others by force does not win their hearts. One who subdues others with virtue wins their joyful and sincere admiration." We should not use force to fight with people at any time or place. We should apply virtue, ethics and conscience in our conduct. If a person simply fights with others, then he is using force and power to win their admiration, but they will never come to admire him.


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