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True Stories About Wang Fengyi (Good Man Wang)

【第二章 傭工時期 】

Chapter Two: His Years As a Laborer

萬國道德會    資料     From the International Virtue Society
天河水    輯     Compiled by Heavenly River Water





The elder employer often talked with Good Man Wang about his great grandfather, always with great relish and enjoyment. So Good Man Wang was moved to sigh with deep regret, "My great grandpa was so famous and erudite. As for me, I am illiterate. Ah! How can I face him after I die in the future?"

Good Man Wang deeply felt that as descendants we should never forget our roots, and we should always resolve to glorify our family and ancestors. If there are filial children and worthy descendants in a family, the ancestors of all generations will be glorified. Hence, Good Man Wang made a vow, "Alas! In this life, I had no means to study. However, in the future when I have a son, even if I have to beg for a living, I will make him study and learn to read, so that the virtue of my ancestors will be carried on."

13. Never Bragging about His Own Strengths
When Good Man Wang was twenty-three years old, he was still working as a laborer for the Changs at Ten Li Platform. One day, he met a leader of the laborers, whose skill in farming was only fair, but who could weave. Because of his skill in weaving, the boss hired him to be the leader so that he could weave during the wintertime when farming was slow.

One day, Good Man Wang was transporting manure with the leader. Good Man Wang loaded the carts filled with manure onto the wagon. The leader was driving in the back. After the manure wagon pulled away, Good Man Wang could hear from some distance the leader yelling at the animal pulling the manure. His voice was hoarse. After lunch, Good Man Wang continued to load the manure wagon. He said to the leader, "Let me try to drive the wagon for one round." The leader said, "Sure! Go ahead and try. This animal is really driving me nuts!" In just a little while, Good Man Wang returned. The leader said, "Wow! You can really drive the wagon! Well then, why don't you keep driving."


法界佛教總會 Dharma Realm Buddhist Association© Vajra Bodhi Sea