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The Shurangama Sutra with Commentary


Roll Eight

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

That is because with the help of ignorance, all the various false thoughts and thoughts of love and desire arise.



﹙一﹚信心住 ﹙二﹚念心住
﹙三﹚進心住 ﹙四﹚慧心住
﹙五﹚定心住 ﹙六﹚不退心住
﹙七﹚護法心住 ﹙八﹚迴向心住
﹙九﹚戒心住 ﹙十﹚願心住






Reminder from last issue : What is the Stage of Dry Wisdom?

Then, with this mind centered on the middle, they enter the flow where wonderful perfection reveals itself. From the truth of that wonderful perfection there repeatedly arise wonders of truth. They always dwell in the wonder of faith, until all false thinking is completely eliminated and the Middle Way is totally true. This is called "the mind that resides in faith."

This begins the discussion on the Ten Faiths. The Ten Faiths comprise ten positions:
1. Then Mind that Resides in Faith;
2. The Mind that Resides in Mindfulness;
3. The Mind that Resides in Vigor;
4. The Mind that Resides in Wisdom;
5. The Mind that Resides in Samadhi;
6. The Mind that Resides in Irreversibility;
7. The Mind that Resides in Protecting the Dharma;
8. The Mind that Resides in Making Transferences;
9. The Mind that Resides in the Precepts;
10. The Mind that Resides in Vows.
These are the positions of the Ten Faiths, which are also called the Ten Dwellings, because one dwells in these kinds of faith.

Then with this mind centered on the middle, they enter the flow where wonderful perfection reveals itself. "This mind" refers to the mind at the level of dry wisdom, the initial vajra-mind. They use this mind to enter the flow of the Buddhadharma, and they reach the state where "wonderful perfection reveals itself," where it opens out in abundance. They reach the principle and substance of True Suchness. From the truth of that wonderful perfection there repeatedly arise wonders of truth. From the inherent nature, characterized by True Suchness, from this mind of wonderful perfection, there arises a wonderful truth within truth. They always dwell in the wonder of faith, until all false thinking is completely eliminated and the Middle Way is totally true. In this subtle and wonderful state, a kind of faith arises, which is permanent and unchanging. They constantly dwell in this wonderful faith. At that point, all false thinking goes away, without exception. Even if they wanted to have false thoughts, the false thoughts just wouldn't arise. That is because with the help of ignorance, all the various false thoughts and thoughts of love and desire arise. But when love and desire have been dried up and only a little ignorance remains, all the false thoughts naturally stop arising. There won't be that many false thoughts.

Why do you have false thinking? It is because you still have love and desire. You still have greed. That is why if you aren't thinking about this, then you're thinking about that. Your mind is always exploiting conditions. It never stops exploiting. Why does your mind want to exploit conditions? It's because you have love, desire, and greed. If people didn't have any greed, they wouldn't have any false thinking. False thoughts are born from greed. At this point in their cultivation, these people don't have false thinking. When that happens, one attains the essential principle of the Middle Way. It is "totally true," which means that there is not the slightest trace of falseness. Falseness refers to love and desire. Now, it is totally true, without any love, desire, or greedy false thoughts. "This is called 'the Mind that Resides in Faith'." This is the first of these ten positions. One brings forth genuine faith and dwells in it.

When true faith is clearly understood, then perfect penetration is total, and the three aspects of skandhas, places, and realms are no longer obstructions. Then all their habits throughout innumerable kalpas of past and future, during which they abandon bodies and receive bodies, appear to them now in the present moment. These good people can remember everything and forget nothing. This is called 'the Mind that Resides in Mindfulness.'

Prior to this stage, when they were residing in the mind of faith, they cultivated the Middle Way--that wonderful perfection, the principle of Suchness. Now, since they are residing in faith, true faith is clearly understood. Once one has true faith, one can gain true wisdom. With true understanding, one will naturally have clear understanding. Then perfect penetration is total. Not only do they accomplish the perfect penetration of the ear organ, but also that of the eye organ, nose organ, and everything else. At this point, the three aspects of skandhas, places, and realms are no longer obstructions. The five skandhas are form, feeling, thought, activity, and consciousness; the twelve places are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, together with forms, sounds, smells, tastes, tangible objects, and dharmas; the eighteen realms include the six sense organs, the six sense objects, and the six consciousnesses which arise between them. Once they obtain perfect penetration, the five skandhas, the twelve places, and the eighteen realms can no longer hinder them.

→To be continued


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