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So it Rains Like This

□  鄧興燦    文  By Deng Xing-chan

秋天,應該是收穫季節,而接連幾個月不下 雨,對農民穀物收成的好壞,有極大的關係。

前日,路過小村,見三村民為搶水灌溉農田 ,而發生爭執,最後乃至動武。因見此景,使 我發心求雨。翌日清晨,趕至寶龍寺,跪拜三 寶佛前,道明民之苦難。

禮畢當晚,於寺中閱經至十一時,倦而睡。 不多時,便夢見一黃龍從海底升騰而起,在空 繞了幾圈,捲起一片烏雲,眨眼間開始下起小 雨。初時雨下得很小,範圍也很窄。我站在一 邊看,暗想雨原來是這麼下的!不多時,雨慢 慢擴散,越下越大,並朝向我而來,隨之還有 一青龍將我圍繞。我略驚後,定了定神打坐, 再望那黃龍,口銜著明珠在空中滾動,雨隨之 更大。那嘩啦啦的雨聲瀉在屋頂,使我從夢中 醒來,起身開門一看:哇!好大的雨。看看錶 ,已近凌晨五時,思夢中事,遂明白,忙披衣 點香向佛、向空頂禮拜謝。

Fall is the season of harvest. When it doesn't rain for several months, it has a great impact on the quality of the growing crops.

The other day, while passing by the village, I saw three local people arguing over the water used to irrigate their fields. They were fighting to the point of using fhysical force. Seeing this, I decided to pray for rain. Early next morning, I rushed to Bao Lung (Treasure Dragon) Monastery, prostrating before the Triple Jewel and expressing the suffering of the people.

That night, after bowing, I stayed at the monastery and read a Sutra until eleven o'clock. I was exhausted and went to sleep. Not long after, I dreamed of a yellow dragon rising from the bottom of the sea. After tracing a few circles in the sky, it gathered some dark clouds. In the blink of an eye, it began to drizzle. At first the rain was sparse and the area covered was small. I stood there watching and thought, "So, it rains like this!" Soon it scattered wider about and rained harder and harder, coming in my direction. It was then that a green dragon surrounded me. I was a little surprised, but I calmed down and sat in meditation. I was watching the yellow dragon, which held a pearl in its mouth and was tumbling in the air, so that the rain fell even harder. The noise of the rain on the building woke me up from the dream. Getting up, I looked out of the door: Wow! What a downpour! My watch said it was about five o'clock in the morning. Thinking about what happened in the dream, I began to understand. I got dressed, lit incense before the Buddha, and bowed in gratitude to empty space.


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