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【卷四見寶塔品第十一 】

Roll 4, Chapter 11, Vision of the Jeweled Stupa

宣化上人講 Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by The International Translation Institute

到一百天, 我又到他家裡去, 一看他的腿不腫了。 我就問他, 我說 : 「 你現在不練雙跏趺坐了?」 他笑說 : 「 我現在坐著, 坐多久也不痛了,腿也不腫了, 我坐練成功了。 」 我就教他一個修行的方法, 就是參禪怎么樣用功, 怎么樣打坐,教他這種的功夫。 喔!他高興得不得了, 以後在家裡天天都修行打坐。 等他臨終的時候, 他自己知道, 就告訴他家人說 : 「 某月某日某時我要走了, 現在我唯一心裡覺得放不下的, 就是沒有見到師父, 我最好見一見師父, 可惜他現在不知在什麼地方, 我也見不著他了, 我在什麼時候我就要走了。 」 那麼到時候他就結上雙跏趺坐, 也沒什麼病痛就走了。 在他走的這天晚間, 他那個鄉村裡頭很多人都作夢, 夢見有兩個穿青衣服的童子, 帶著他往西方去了。 這是我遇著這麼一個經驗。 以後他這個姪子沒有死, 一定要拜我做師父, 這是我收的第一個徒弟。 這個徒弟對我最孝順不過, 他們常常無論什麼事情都很掛著師父。 我不是叫你們孝順我, 你不要誤會了。

釋迦牟尼佛。 為諸佛當來坐故。 復於八方。 各更變二百萬億那由他國。 皆令清淨。無有地獄餓鬼畜生。 及阿修羅。 又移諸天人置於他土。 所化之國。 亦以琉璃為地。寶樹莊嚴。 樹高五百由旬。 枝葉華果。 次第莊嚴。 樹下皆有寶師子座。 高五由旬。亦以大寶而校飾之。 亦無大海江河。 及目真鄰陀山。 摩訶目真鄰陀山。 鐵圍山。 大鐵圍山。 須彌山等諸山王。 通為一佛國土 。 寶地平正。 寶交露幔。 徧覆其上。 懸諸幡蓋。 燒大寶香。 諸天寶華。 徧布其地。 爾時東方釋迦牟尼所分之身。 百千萬億那由他恆河沙等國土中諸佛。 各各說法來集於此。 如是次第十方諸佛。 皆悉來集。 坐於八方。 爾時一一方。 四百萬億那由他國土諸佛如來。徧滿其中。   

這是釋迦牟尼佛因為所分身的佛太多了, 沒有地方坐, 所以又三變土田。 你看我們這兒的人也沒地方坐, 所以也要變一個大講堂了。
「釋迦牟尼佛為諸佛當來坐故」 , 為著所有他的分身佛, 當來坐的原因, 所以 「復於八方」,又在這八方, 「各更變二百萬億那由他國 」, 又把二百萬億那由他諸國, 也都變成清淨的國土,「皆令清淨,無有地獄」, 也沒有地獄, 也沒有餓鬼, 也沒有畜生, 也沒有阿修羅。 「又移諸天人」 , 把天人又給搬家了, 搬到什麼地方去呢?「置於他土」, 搬到那不乾淨的地方。 現在這乾淨的地方, 天上的人和人間的人不能住了, 不給他們在這地方住, 所以把他們搬到旁的地方去。 「所化之國」 , 所變化的國, 「亦以琉璃為地」, 也用琉璃做地。 「寶樹莊嚴」, 也是有寶樹來莊嚴。 「高五百由旬」 , 這樹也是五百由旬高,和前邊的一樣。 「枝葉華果, 次第莊嚴」, 和前邊所變的那種境界是一樣的。 「樹下皆有寶師子座 」, 每一棵菩提樹下也都有寶師子座, 「高五由旬」 , 也是高五由旬。 「亦以大寶而校飾之」, 用這大寶、 最值錢寶貴的東西來莊嚴校飾。 「亦無大海」 , 也沒有大海, 也沒有江河, 也沒有目真鄰陀山, 這是石山, 也沒有這大石頭山。 「鐵圍山」 , 也沒有鐵圍山, 也沒有大鐵圍山。 「須彌山」,也沒有這個妙高山,「等諸山王」,其他的須彌山王。「通為一佛國土」, 把每一方的二百萬億國土都變成一個佛所教化的國土。 「寶地平正, 琉璃為地」 , 非常平正的, 沒有高高低低的地方。 「寶交露幔」, 用寶互相做成的露幔,「徧覆其上」 , 懸在這上面, 「懸諸幡蓋 」, 又掛上很多的寶幡寶蓋。 「燒大寶香」, 什麼都是寶, 這所有的都是寶了。 「諸天寶華」, 諸天所散的華也都是寶華。 「徧布其地」 , 用華來鋪地, 比我們用地毯鋪地更美麗。


When I returned a hundred days later, I noticed that the uncle's legs were no longer swollen. "You're not still sitting in full lotus posture, are you?" I asked. Kuan Chung-hsi smiled. "I can sit in full lotus now," he said, "and no matter how long I sit, it doesn't hurt, and my legs don't swell up." I saw things had gone well with him, so I taught him how to cultivate sitting meditation, how one does that work. The uncle was incredibly happy and sat in meditation every day. When his death approached, he gathered his family together and said, "On such and such a day, at such and such a time, I'm going to leave; I'm going to die. The only thing I still wish for is to see my teacher once again. But I don't know where he is now, and so I cannot see him." Then on the appointed day, he sat upright in full lotus, and without any illness, he died. That evening, many of the villagers had the same dream; they dreamed that they saw two youths in dark robes taking the uncle to the West. This was one of my experiences. Later on, his nephew didn't die and insisted to take refuge with me. He was my first disciple and most filial one. They both think of me frequently in any business. I am not telling you to be filial towards me. Don't misunderstand me.

Shakyamuni Buddha, in order that the Buddhas who were coming might have a place to sit, then further transformed two hundred myriads of nayutas of lands, in each of the eight directions, and purified them all. They were free of hells, hungry ghosts, animals or asuras. He moved all the gods and humans to other lands. The lands he transformed all had lapis lazuli for soil and were adorned with jeweled trees five hundred yojanas tall. They were adorned with branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Beneath each tree was a jeweled lion's throne five yojanas tall, decorated with various gems. There were no oceans, rivers, or streams, and no Mucilinda or Mahamucilinda Mountains, no Iron Ring or Great Iron Ring Mountains, and no Mount Sumerus or any other kings of mountains. All the countries became one Buddha land. The jeweled earth was level and flat, covered entirely with gem-studded canopies, and hung with banners. Precious incense was burned and heavenly, precious flowers covered the ground. Then, the division bodies of Shakyamuni Buddha came from the Eastern direction, and Buddhas in number to the grains of sand in a hundred thousand myriads of millions of nayutas of lands, each speaking the Dharma, assembled there. In like manner, in turn, the Buddhas from all the Ten Directions arrived and assembled there, taking their seats in the eight directions. At that time, each direction was filled with Buddhas, Thus Come Ones, from the four hundred myriads of millions of nayutas of lands in each of the Four Directions.

Shakyamuni Buddha had too many division bodies! There was no room for them all to sit, and so he "transformed the lands three times." Here, in the Buddhist Lecture Hall, we have run out of room, too, and so we are going to transform a big lecture hall!

In order that the Buddhas who were coming might have a place to sit, because there were transformation-body Buddhas coming from other directions to be seated here, he then further transformed in each of the eight directions, two hundred myriads of nayutas of lands, purifying them all. He made that many lands pure, as well. They were free of hells, hungry ghosts, animals or asuras. The gods and humans were all moved to other lands. The gods and humans were not allowed to inhabit such a purified place. The gods and humans were all moved from this purified place into another, less pure location for the time being. The lands he transformed all had lapis lazuli for soil and were adorned with jeweled trees five hundred yojanas tall, decorated with branches, just like in the previous passage of text, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Beneath each tree was a jeweled lion throne five yojanas tall, decorated with various gems. There were no oceans, rivers, or streams, and no Mucilinda or Mahamucilinda Mountains, no Iron Ring or Great Iron Ring Mountains, and no Mount Sumerus or any other kings of mountains. All these lands became one Buddha land. All the two hundred myriads of millions of lands in each direction became one single land. The jeweled earth was level and flat, without mountains or valleys, covered entirely with gem-studded canopies, and hung with banners. Precious incense was burned and heavenly, precious flowers covered the ground, much nicer than carpets! Everything was "jeweled" and "precious."

To be continued


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