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岳興華 文 By Syin-Hwa Ywe







Question: "There are so many things in the world.  Do they all have intrinsic properties? For example, stones  are hard, while water is soft and diffusive. Have scientists  observed and studied them all?" Answer: When the  molecules or atoms are under mutual influence and can  only vibrate slightly around their own position of  equilibrium, the substance appears in a solid state (like a  stone). When the molecule or atoms vibrate more freely,  so that there is no fixed equilibrium position, and yet  they do not disperse, it appears in a liquid state (like  water). If the molecules or atoms not only have no  equilibrium position, but cannot sustain a constant  distance, the substance appears in a gaseous state. Since  the intrinsic properties accurately determine the physical  appearance of the material, there is no need to study the  material itself.

Question: "How is this related to the truth, particularly the truth as used in society?" Answer: "This itself is the  standard of truth; it is what people in society rely on as  the truth. The standard of truth is just the objective  reality."

Question: "There are so many objective realities. For  example, aren't eating, sleeping, stealing, and so forth,  objective realities? Are these all considered the truth?"

 Answer: "By 'objective' we mean it is not subjective; by `reality' we mean it is not a falsehood. In particular,  what makes it the truth is the unity of the intrinsic and  extrinsic; that supplements the abstract concept of truth,  in which form and substance are not essential. The truth  fundamentally has no right and wrong, crooked and  straight, good and bad, proper and evil. If someone is  accused of robbing a bank at eight o'clock, and he can  prove that at eight he was eating in a restaurant, then the  case is settled. When he was arrested on the charge of  stealing and put under investigation, the truth and reality  were considered.

The truth refers to facts and reality, to the correspondence of what is inside and outside, and to the  actual motion of all things. Anything which is not real is  not the truth, and is opposed to the truth. If we think  carefully, all cases in which the truth is opposed or the  laws are violated, come about because of falsity. That is  why objective reality is taken to be the standard of truth.  Anything which disagrees with objective reality must be  wrong or unreasonable. This principle is profound, and  only Buddhists understand it thoroughly. They uphold the  precept which prohibits lying, and are not allowed to utter  even one false statement, how much the less other untrue  things!

B. The function of the Truth. Truth is the base which  directs movement/actions of myriad things and affairs, and  including people. To speak concretly, the development of  world peace, the strength and wealth of a country, the  prosperity of a society, the progress in all work fields, like  technology and agriculture, and the unity in a  neighborhood, the harmony and compliance of a family,  the fulfillment of one's wish are all the results of the  function of a truth. Take a further look at the planes in the  sky, the ships in the ocean, the vehicles on land and  buildings, palaces and pavilions, of all material and civilization are the inventions derive from the Truth. The  relation between Man and Truth is like fish and water.  Man cannot separate from Truth and the level of people's  mastery of Truth is different, so are their contributions to  the society.

To be continued


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