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王 鳳 儀 篤 行 錄
第二章 傭工時期
(Good Man Wang)
Chapter Two: His Years As a Laborer

萬國道德會 资料 From the International Virtue Society
天河水 輯 Compiled by Tyan He-Swei



第一天 上工時,就看到高家的鍋臺灶下,骯髒得不成樣子,一年到頭也不曾去刷洗水缸,所以臭味令人掩鼻。還有三個襁褓的幼兒就在屋裏隨地大小便,高石匠的女人也不把這些屎尿給清理收拾乾淨,等到做活的工人一進門來吃飯,就趕緊隨便拿個衣物給蓋上,等到工人吃完飯,就叫狗進來吃,也不順手擦一擦,所以整個屋子裏臭氣薰天逼人,污穢不堪,蒼蠅嗡嗡到處飛。做的飯菜,若不是酸掉,就是發臭了,實在令人嚥不下去!



His Unusual Patience

At Tuan Shan Dz Village in Jau-yang County,  the wife of Mr. Gau, a stone miller, was known  for her untidiness. Therefore nobody liked to  work for her. Even when she found some  workers, they would often leave in a few days.  So the Gaus had to pay a high wage to hire men.  Good Man Wang was seventeen years old  then, and promised to work for them for three  months. He hoped to make some money to  help out his family. People tried to stop him,  but he said, "I must carry through from the  beginning to the end; I shall not quit half way  like other people do."

On the first day at the job, he saw it was  unspeakably dirty beneath the Gau's stove.  Probably their water closet had not been  washed even once that year , so people had to  pinch their noses to stand the stink. And there  were three babies whose excrement and urine  had dropped anywhere in the room. The stone  miller's wife would never clean up the  excrement and urine, but simply covered it  over with a piece of clothing whenever the  workers stepped in to the room to take their  meals. After they left, she would send in her  dog to clean up the mess. She never bothered to  wipe it clean, so the house was overwhelmed  by the smell. It was unbearably filthy, and the  flies were humming here and there. The food in the house was either spoiled or it stunk, and  was totally inedible! The first three days at the job Good Man Wang  could not eat his full even once. Afterwards, he  made a vow that during the meals he would  look at nothing, listen to nothing and smell  nothing. He told himself, 1 shall be here for  only three months. What would I do, if I had  married a woman like her?" After that, every  day Good Man Wang went into the garden to  pick some vegetables for his food. He put his  whole heart into his job and never showed the  slightest bit of irritation or distaste in his  speech or actions. Because of this his boss  would tell people, "My worker is really a rare  individual!" Upon hearing this, people in the  neighborhood admired his unique patience and  competed to hire him for their jobs.

To be continued


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