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岳興華 文 By Syin-Hwa Ywe



I. Truth. Truth is an abstract name that has no actual substance. In order to make a thorough study based on the generally accepted idea of truth, we suppose there to be an "objective reality". In the society of mankind, the practical outcomes are decided based on the objective rather than the subjective view. The opposite of truth is falsity and unreality. The basis of truth should be sought in reality. The scope of truth should include all phenomena. The function of truth should apply to everything.

(1)Why do we suppose that objective reality is the truth? In ancient times, the truth was found in the rules, laws and methods which were developed to regulate affairs. Modern scientific research has revealed that all matter is composed of molecules and atoms. Molecules are combinations of atoms of the same or different elements. All matter is composed of molecules, which are in turn composed of atoms and molecules of various kinds. The properties, weights and sizes of molecules vary. Atoms and molecules are in constant motion, and the actual substance of matter is determined by its intrinsic properties. The physical constitution of all matter in the universe is based on its intrinsic properties. This shows that the intrinsic and the extrinsic are one, without the slightest discrepancy between them. However, since these intrinsic properties are not visible to the naked eye, they are falsely called "principles" (i.e. emptiness, spirit). All objective existence is based on the common appearance of the spirit (properties, principles) of matter. Therefore it is supposed that objective reality is the truth.


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