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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

Roll Seven

宣化上人講 Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version










This refers to beings in such forms as the varata, which turns a different creature into its own species. "Varata" is a Sanskrit term for a kind of wasp. This wasp takes the caterpillars found on mulberry-trees back to its own mud nest, and transforms them into its own young. It puts the caterpillars in its mud nest and for seven days recites a mantra which says, "Be like me, be like me." At the end of that period, the change actually takes place and these mulberry-tree caterpillars become just like the wasp. They are called beings not totally endowed with thought, because the caterpillars do not initially think they will turn into wasps.

In the Book of Poetry (Shr Jing) of China, there is the phrase, "The wasp owes its offspring to the caterpillar." When the mulberry-tree caterpillars produce larvae, the wasp comes to steal them and takes them back to its own nest, where it recites the mantra, "Be like me, be like me" to transform them into its own kind. After reciting that for seven days, the mulberry-tree caterpillars become just like the wasp. In China, if you adopt the son of another couple, that child is known as a "son of a wasp." That expression signifies that the child was not originally your own son, but now you have adopted him. This is how the expression originated. The varata turns a different creature into its own species. They were a different species to begin with, but the wasp transforms them into its own young. These kinds of living beings abound in the Dharma Realm.

Through a continuous process of enmity and harm the upside-down state of killing occurs in this world. It unites with monstrosities to become eighty-four thousand kinds of random thoughts of devouring one's father and mother. From this there come into being those not totally lacking thought, who take ghanas with no thought and multiply throughout the lands, until their kinds abound in such forms as the dirt owl, which hatches its young from clods of dirt, and the Pou-jing Bird, which incubates a poisonous fruit to create its young. In each case, the young thereupon eat the parents.

This is the twelfth category of beings---those not totally lacking thought. They have thought, but it is totally warped. Their very spirit is twisted. Through a continuous process of enmity and harm the upside-down state of killing occurs in this world. You kill me, and I'll kill you. You hate me, and I hate you. It unites with monstrosities to become eighty-four thousand kinds of random thoughts of devouring one's father and mother. When this killing karma and poisonous hate has built to the point that it permeates everything, then weird creatures come into being. From this there come into being those not totally lacking thought, who take ghanas with no thought and multiply throughout the lands, until their kinds abound. They appear in such forms as the dirt owl, which hatches its young from clods of dirt. The owl is known in China as the owl and as "the unfilial bird." This bird lays no eggs, but incubates a clod of dirt and is able to bring its young out of it. The problem is that when these young dirt owls hatch, they devour their mother. That's why this kind of owl is called the unfilial bird. The little birds eat their mother's flesh. The Pou-jing bird, which incubates a poisonous fruit to create its young: this "Pou-jing bird" may be a mistranslation. In Chinese literature there is an animal called the pou-jing that looks like a wolf but is smaller. This animal can't reproduce, either, so it takes the fruit from a poisonous tree and can incubate it to create its young. This is also a being that does not totally lack thought. After the young are born, they also devour their mother. This pou­jing animal is also called the unfilial beast. In each case, the young thereupon eat the parents. The young eat their father and mother. These kinds of beings which do not totally lack thought can also be found everywhere.

These are the twelve categories of living beings.

Above have been explained "the twelve categories of living beings."

Ananda, each of these categories of beings is replete with all twelve kinds of upside-down states.

Ananda, each of these twelve categories of beings which I have just described is replete with all twelve kinds of upside-down states. Not just the one kind of upside-down state that I mentioned is specific to each kind. Each category is influenced by all twelve kinds of upside-down states. The random thoughts and upside-down states arise from falseness.

to be continued


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