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Focus on Education

慈祥代天宣化 忠孝為國敎民

On Behalf of the Heavens, Proclaim and Transform with kindness.
For the Safe of the Country, Teach the People to be Loyal and filial.

The Reform of Education (I)

宣化上人主講於一九八八年九月三日 Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua on September 3, 1988
蠡癡老叟譯述於一九九三年三月十日 Interpretation by Old Mr. Li-chr on March 10, 1993




In the modern world, everyone contends for fame and benefit. How do I know that? Once, I asked several hundred students what kind of occupation they would like to pursue in the future. Some answered, "I want to be a doctor." So I asked them, "Why do you want to be a doctor?" They replied, "A doctor can make a lot of money -- a big fortune." Some students answered, "I want to be a lawyer." "How come you want to be a lawyer?" I asked. "Because a lawyer has status and authority. People are afraid of lawyers."

Another student answered, "I want to be a scientist." I asked him further, "What makes you want to be a scientist?" He said, "Scientists can make a lot of money, become well-known, and lead very comfortable lifestyles."

From this, we can see that the brains of young students are saturated with desires for wealth, fame, sensual pleasures, food, and leadership. They have completely forgotten about the basic requisites of being a person, i.e. loyalty, filiality, humaneness, and righteousness. After they graduate, such youngsters very often go astray and take the wrong path. Ultimately, who is to be blamed? To put it in a nutshell, in their youth they were influenced by their parents' conduct and the improper education they received at school. After they grew up, they were deluded by selfish religious leaders who only sought personal profit, and affected by the society's widespread practice of cheating and fraud. Over the days and months, such influences accumulated, resulting in the horrible lives they lead.


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