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A Great Hero Should Make A Sky-high Resolve

Ven. Master Hua's Lecture at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas on March 1 5, 1993
塗世玲 記錄 Transcribed by Shih-ling Tu

大丈夫就是和弱者不一樣的,弱者就是軟弱無能的,大丈夫胸懷大志,怎麼樣大法呢?就是沖天志,這個志氣把天都給沖破了,你說大不大?不是把天給沖破了,是沖到天上去。你們都要立沖天志,這是最難的,可是我也要去。大丈夫沒有不能做成的事,他要做什麼都會成功的。這不單他能這樣子,你、我都可以這樣子,可惜你不立這個志氣。我說這話有根據的,為什麼呢?你們大家都記著說:「舜何人也?禹何人也?有為者亦若是。」大丈夫亦復如是。可是你們都年輕,我已經老了,這個是過渡時期,不過這個道理,我要告訴你們。青年人要學大丈夫!Somebody say: Teacher, you more talking have more far away, I don't understand this much.

(有人說:師父你的話越說越遠了,我們不懂這麼多。)沒有辦法了,你若想不懂的,我說什麼你也不懂;你若想懂,我不說你也會懂。所以!說的是法,行的是道。你們現在這些個青年人哪!是很幸運的青年人,不單能做大丈夫;你若好好用功修行都可以成佛。You will become Buddha. This is no high this way. 沒有比這個高的。可是你們要譬如行遠必自邇,走遠路你要從近處才開步走;譬如登高必自卑,你要登上高的地方,你要在那個低的地方先開始。這個意思是說什麼呢?就是說你要學有大智慧的人哪,不要貢高我慢,不要想一鍬挖個井;不要想捨近求遠;不要好高騖遠。

A great, hero is different from a timid, incapable weakling. A great hero cherishes a great resolve. How great is it? It soars up to the skies. His resolve breaks through the heavens. Wouldn't you say that's great? It doesn't break the heavens; it soars up to the heavens. You should all make soaring resolves. Although this is the most difficult thing to do, you must do it. There is nothing that a great hero cannot do. He succeeds in all he does. Not only is he this way, you and I can also be this way. It's just a pity that you do not make such a resolve. I have a reason for saying this. What is it? Does everyone recall the quote, "Who were Shun and Yu (ancient Sages of China)? Anyone with the will can be like them." It is the same with being a great hero. You are all young while I am old. This is still a transition period. However, you should be clear about the principle. Young people should aspire to be great heroes.

Someone says, "Teacher, the more you talk, the farther away you get. I don't understand this much." There is nothing I can do. If you don't want to understand, then no matter what I say, you won't understand. If you want to understand, then I don't have to say anything and you will understand. What is spoken is the Dharma; what is practiced is the Tao. Well, you young people now are really lucky. Not only can you become great heroes, but if you cultivate diligently you can all become Buddhas. There is nothing more lofty. However, you should know that a journey begins with the first step. To go far, we have to start walking from where we are. To ascend to a height, we must begin from the lower ground. What does this mean? It means you should learn from people who have great wisdom. Don't be arrogant. Don't think you can dig a well in one shovelful. Don't renounce what is close to seek what is far away. Don't yearn for what is lofty and distant.


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