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Reflections in Water and Mirrors: Turning Back the Tide of Destiny

宣化上人著 Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

馮 京     一九八八年八月十二日




 湖北馮京  志廣神清
 過目不忘  鬼敬人欽
 權貴不屈  肚大量容
 忠君報國  照耀古今


天資聰敏正直臣 不畏權貴治施仁
建功立業恩澤長 福國益民功德深
主持公道解窮困 力行節儉濟苦辛
父作陰騭子忠孝 為善受報樂滿門

Feng Jing      August 12,1988

Feng Jing was from Jyang-sya (Wu-chang City of Hu Bei Province) during Northern Sung Dynasty. Upright in nature, and endowed with intelligence, he could memorize anything after reading it once. He took first place in three civil examinations, and had not yet married. The powerful and noble Chang Yau-dzwo wished to betroth his own daughter to him, and enticed him with a rich dowry, but Jing was not moved. He did not agree with Prime Minister Wang An-shr's new regulations and would not yield to his domination. He was so straightforward and unbiased an official that he did not fail to live up his father's virtue. In the prime of his life, Jing's father still had no son, so his mother urged him to take a second wife to continue the family line. His father went to the capital to find a mate in the market. When he asked one girl why she was being sold, she wept and said, "I am being sold to get my father out of debt." Jing's father took mercy and sent her home, without demanding his money back.

After he got home, Jing's mother asked, "Where is your second wife?" He told her about what happened. Jing's mother exclaimed delightedly, "With such good intentions, why worry that you will have no son?" After several months, his mother became pregnant. When Jing was born, the neighbors heard heavenly music played in space, and a voice in space said, "The one who will take first place in a future national examination is being sent to the Feng's." And so Jing was born. The Book of Changes said, "A family that performs many good deeds will have a surplus of luck. A family that does many evil deeds will have an excess of calamities.

A verse in praise says:
Feng Jing of Hu Bei,
Vast in resolve and clear in spirit.
Never forgetting what passed before his eyes,
He was honored and respected by ghosts and humans.
Not yielding to influential figures,
He endured with great tolerance.
Loyal to the Emperor and grateful to the country
He shines in ancient and modern times.

Another verse says:
An honest and upright official of natural intelligence,
Not intimidated by power, he governed with humaneness.
Carrying out work of lasting kindness,
Bringing prosperity to the country and benefit to the citizens, his merit and virtue were profound.
With righteousness, he rescued people from poverty,
And practiced frugality to help the suffering poor.
The father practiced hidden virtue and the son was loyal and filial.
For his good deeds, he was rewarded with a happy family.


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