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【 虛雲老和尚傳集 】

A Pictorial Biography of the Venerable Master Hsu Yun

The Mahaprajna Dharma Assembly is Established For Dedication of Merit #208

宣化上人撰 Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua



On the fifteenth day of the ninth lunar month, Dharma Master Du Lun received the news of the Master's Parinirvana and called a meeting of all protectors of the Dharma on the sixteenth. It was decided that starting on the seventeenth, a three-week Buddha recitation session would be held. The session was very well attended by bhikshus, bhikshunis, upasakas, and upasikas. On the tenth day of the tenth lunar month, a session in which the Six Hundred Roll Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra was continuously recited for one hundred and forty days. It was completed on the first day of the third lunar month of the following year. A memorial altar was set up at the Buddhist Lecture Hall, 31 Wong Nei Chung Road, 12th Floor, Suite A, of the Yu Yuan Building in Hong Kong. Many people joyously took part, and a person was sent to bring back the Master's sharira to enshrine in a stupa for veneration.

Hsuan Hua said:

How sorrowful! Our Master, who surpasses the masters of people and heaven,
Is now a Sage among the Sages in the Pure Land.
May he take pity on all living beings,
And come again to teach and save both sentient and insentient beings!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea