萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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News from the Dharma Realm

Ru Fa Buddhist Academy Accepting Male Students

文╱恒雲 By Heng Yun


[Taipei, R.O.C.] The Venerable Master Hua, in order to encourage young people to develop lofty character, rectify body and mind, and transform their disposition by studying Buddhism, as well as train Buddhists of all countries in proper knowledge and views, cause the Triple Jewel to flourish and continue the wisdom life of the Buddhas, has established Ru Fa (In accord with the Dharma) Buddhist Academy at 20 Dung-syi Hsin-lung Village, Lyou-gwei Syang, Gau-syung, to accept men who wish to study the Proper Dharma. Courses include the Shurangama Sutra, Avatamsaka Sutra, Dharma Flower Sutra, Six Patriarch Platform Sutra, Amitabha Sutra, Shastra of Awakening of Faith in Mahayana, Bodhisattva Precepts, Bhikshu Precepts, Shramanera Precepts and Deportment. Tuition is free and room and board will be provided. Classes will begin in July 1993. Please contact: Dharma Realm Buddhist Books Distribution Association at 11 fl. 85 Chung-hsiao E. Road, Sec. 6, Taipei. Tel: 02-7863022.

Chau Yin Monastery Seeks Funds for Construction

文╱陳心平 By Chen Syin-ping


[Lin Jau, China] Twenty-two years ago, Dharma Master Ru De in Gansu Province met an unusual monk with raw sores on his head, and was instructed to construct Chau Yin Monastery in the high plains of Lung Syi (see story on page 33). The blueprint for this great Way-place has already been completed, and donations are being sought to fund the construction. The address of Chau Yin Monastery is Meng Jya Dwun, Bei Ywan Lin Sya City, Gansu Province. Those wishing to support this project should contact Mr. Jeng Sung-ying at 12 Alley 281 Yellow River Road, Shanghai, China.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea