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News from the Dharma Realm

Respecting Elders, Worthies, Teachers; and the Way

文╱鄰虛塵 By Lin Syu-chen



[Local News] In order to save moral education in modern society from bankruptcy, and to redress the current lack of respect for elders, virtuous ones, teachers, and the Way, the Venerable Master announced at Gold Mountain Monastery in San Francisco during the celebration of Gwan Yin Bodhisattva's Leaving Home on the nineteenth of the ninth lunar month (October 14, 1992) that from now on this day would be the common birthday for all the elderly laywomen. On this day, everyone should especially eat vegetarian food and refrain from killing.

Then on November 15; at the International Translation Institute in Burlingame, the Venerable Master proclaimed the twenty-seventh of the eleventh lunar month, Amitabha Buddha's Birthday, as Virtuous Elders' Day; to celebrate the birthday of those seventy-two years old and up.

The goal is to teach the world's people by setting an example of respecting the elderly and eating vegetarian food. For if we value only the young and the middle-aged, while neglecting the elderly, the nation cannot last long. It is like wanting only the fresh fruits and flowers of a tree, not the old roots. There is no way the tree can survive. Only when adults learn to respect the elderly will children understand to be filial. When adults respect their elders and children are filial to their parents, there will be hope for the world.


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