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News from the Dharma Realm

新肺炎 死愛病
The New Pneumonia, "Death of Love" Disease

文╱鄰虛塵 By Lin Syu-chen





[Local News] During lectures, Dharma Assemblies, and other public occasions in August, the Venerable Master Hua repeatedly urged everyone to immediately save themselves and others from the epidemic disaster of the age. All the way till mid-November, the Venerable Master has been issuing warnings with increasing concern, while assuring that his words are not false alarms. A killer more menacing than AIDS forebodes the annihilation of the human race. The Venerable Master named it the "Death of Love" disease. He also said the end of the world does not mean that the sun is gone, but that all the people have died. When mankind completely vanishes, that will truly be the end of the world. That day will soon arrive if people do not wake up soon and start following the rules and reforming themselves.

Medical cases and statistics reported in Pacific Times on September 18, The New York Times on October 13, and the World journal on October 14 affirm the danger of this new type of pneumonia. The pneumonia of the past was curable, but no cure exists for this new type. It can be transmitted in the air, and is highly resistant to medicine. Even doctors and nurses have developed a professional fear of it, refusing patients out of concern of being infected themselves. The American Lung Disease Research Association states that approximately twenty million people in the world are infected with the active pneumonia, while 1.7 billion carry the latent disease: These reports all validate the Venerable Master's words of warning.

The new pneumonia derives from the AIDS virus. Both diseases have their origin in homosexuality. The true cause of these diseases lies in the fact that people have lost their human nature, and have done things which people should not do. When the mind is confused, the body will naturally get sick. The more perverted the thoughts are, the stranger the illnesses suffered by the body. Since the Venerable Master cannot bear to see this great calamity befall humanity, he has prescribed the one medicine which can save our life: turn the defiled body and mind into a pure body and mind.

Only by completely cutting off homosexuality, a practice of people who don't wish to live, can this imminent disaster be averted. There is no other way. If each person makes his best effort to be a proper person, then AIDS will disappear, and the "Death of Love" disease will also be quelled.


The Great Mantra of Great Compassion Penetrates Heaven and Earth
Venerable Master Hua says, "If we recite and uphold the Great Compassion Mantra
just as sincerely as we eat, wear clothes, and sleep,
then AIDS and the new pneumonia will all disappear!"


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