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A Centipede Hears the Dharma

頤齡 選 Selected by Yi Ling


【白話註解】 明朝穆宗隆慶四年,蓮池大師行腳止宿一寺,見人擒捉數條蜈蚣,用竹弓繫住頭尾,大師憐憫買來放生,但多數已經半死了,只有一條全活,急速逃生而去。


One day, in the fourth year of the reign of Emperor Mu Dzung of the Ming Dynasty, the Great Master Lyan Chr stopped by at a monastery. There he saw someone catch a number of centipedes, put them inside a stick of bamboo, and lean the stick up against the wall. The Great Master felt sympathy for the creatures, and so he bought them to set them free. But by that time, all except one had already died; he quickly took the live one away and released it.

Later on, one night, the Great Master was sitting and chatting with a Dharma friend, when suddenly a centipede crawled up the wall beside him. He tried to nudge it away with a wooden ruler, but it wouldn't budge.

The Great Master said, "Are you the one whom I bought and set free? Did you come to express your gratitude for kindness? If you are the one, then I will speak the Dharma for you, and I hope you will listen well. 'All sentient beings are created by the mind alone. One with a fierce mind will be born a tiger or a wolf in his next life. One whose mind is filled with poison will become a centipede. If you can change your poisonous mind, you will be liberated from the terrible body of a centipede.' "

As soon as he finished speaking, the centipede walked away without being pushed. Then it slowly climbed out through the window and was gone from sight. When Great Master Lyan Chr and his friend witnessed that, they agreed the incident was rare indeed.


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