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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors: Turning Back the Tide of Destiny

In memory of Cardinal Yu Bin

宣化上人著 Composed by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute




淫為惡首 死路莫走 雖有奇遇 堅持操守
高中狀元 德感北鬥 位至丞相 絲毫不苟


唐朝名臣狄梁公 盡忠報國驅群凶
武氏則天執朝政 懷英效地保和平
王綱未墜貞觀治 百姓安寧堯舜興
五穀豐登黎庶慶 四海謳歌覺有情




無明煩惱 世人自找 清心寡慾 品行端好
坐懷不亂 柳下惠少 不愧聖賢 請君參考


奉公守法一聖賢 魯國男子萬古傳
清心寡慾離色相 氣定神閑自在天
正直不阿屈權貴 大公無私絕空前
百千劫後好榜樣 永垂不朽品德堅

July 23, 1988

Di Ren-jye was from Tai Ywan in Shan Syi during the Tang Dynasty. His formal name was Hwai Ying. Clever and diligent in his studies, he mastered the Five Classics. On his way to the capital to take the examination, he stopped for a night at an inn. The hostess of the inn was an attractive young lady who had just been widowed. She was afflicted with thoughts of desire when she saw how refined and stately Ren Jye was. Although she tried to seduce him with her charms, Ren Jye was not moved by her beauty. He used propriety to reform her, and did not allow himself to take liberties.

As a result of this private good deed, he took first place in the imperial exam. In the capital, someone made a prophesy that the person taking the first place would be "the fire dog, a hero among two people." (Translator: This is an allusion to the name of Di Ren jye in Chinese.)

As an official in Bin District, he was incorruptible and greatly concerned for the people. When a colleague was to be transferred away, the colleague's aged and sick mother worried that nobody would look after her. When Ren Jye found out about this, he volunteered to replace his colleague. His supervisor was so moved that he sent someone else.

Later he was transferred from Bin District to Tai Ywan. On the way, he passed by Tai Hang Mountain. Ascending its summit, he gazed east at the distant white clouds and thought of his relatives. He told those around him, "Under the white clouds is my relative's house." From this comes the Chinese idiom, "House under the white clouds."

During the reign of Emperor Gau, there were mountains of cases awaiting judgment. He was instructed to judge the cases and within a year he had judged more than seventeen thousand cases with equality and fairness. As a result, the delighted people sincerely accepted him.

He passed away at age seventy-three. Dze Tyan wept and said, "From now on, there will be no one like him in the royal court. Why did the heavens seize the venerable one of our country so soon?"

A verse in praise says:

Licentiousness is the foremost of evils;
Do not walk on this dead road.
Although there was a peculiar chance,
He firmly guarded his integrity.
Coming out first in the imperial exam,
His virtue moved the Big Dipper.
He reached the high position of prime minister,
And was not in the least careless.

Another verse says:

Lord Di Lyang was a renowned minister in the Tang Dynasty;
Loyally serving the country, he chased out all misfortune;
When Empress Wu Dze Tyan assumed the dynastic rule,
Hwai Ying learned from the earth to preserve the peace;
The political system did not deteriorate, as the Jen Gwan reign continued;
The people were at peace, just as if Yau and Shun were flourishing again.
With the five kinds of grains in abundance, the commoners celebrate the harvest.
Within the four seas everyone lauded him; all sentient beings were enlightened.

July 29, 1988

Lyou Sya-hwei was from the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. His name was Jan Chin. His other names were Hwo (to obtain) and Ji (season). Since he stayed under a willow tree and his posthumous title was Hwei (kindly) he was called Lyou Sya-hwei, which means "Hwei under the willow tree".

The ancient texts say, "Lyou Sya-hwei was camping outside the city gate. A girl also came to stay the night. Afraid that she might freeze to death, he allowed her to sit in his lap, and remained dispassionate until dawn. Since his usual conduct was proper with nothing to hide, he was a worthy Sage of the time, who was respected and trusted by everybody.

He had been the chief criminal judge of the state of Lu. Thrice he was dismissed from his official post but did not leave. Someone asked him, "Why?' He said, "When one is straightforward and righteous in serving people, there is no place where one would not be dismissed three times."

For example, when the State of Chi forcibly demanded Lu State's national treasure, a precious urn, the ruler of Lu gave the State of Chi a counterfeit. The ruler of Chi doubted the authenticity of the urn, so he sent someone to take it back to the State of Lu to ask Jan Chin (Lyou Sya-hwei) to certify it as real.

The ruler of Lu ordered Jan Chin to certify the counterfeit as genuine. Jan Chin replied, "Your Majesty, you take this urn to be the national treasure. But your minister considers trustworthiness the national treasure. Now you want to keep the national treasure, and destroy my treasure of trustworthiness. I find your order truly difficult to obey." The ruler of Lu had to give the real urn to Chi and Lyou Sya-hwei was dismissed from his position without complaint.

A verse in praise says:

Ignorance and affliction
Are sought by worldly people;
Purify the mind and lessen desire.
Proper and good in character and conduct,
Although a woman curled in his lap,
He was dispassionate.
Few are like Lyou Sya-hwei;
He was qualified to be a virtuous sage.
All of you, please take him as a model.

Another verse says:

Just and law-abiding, a worthy Sage,
A man of Lu State whose name has been handed down from age to age,
Purifying the mind and reducing desires, he detached from appearances;
Calm and at ease, like the God of Self-mastery;
Proper and straightforward, he did not submit to those with power and status.
Public-minded and unselfish, his example was unprecedented.
Being a good model for hundreds and thousands of
kalpas in the future,
His firm character and virtue will endure in perpetuity.


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