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Reflections in Water and Mirrors:
Turning Back, the Tide of Destiny

宣化上人著 Commentary by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute

王 裒 一九八八年七月十六日


偈 曰:
生性純孝 耕讀養親 聞聲戰慄 護母殷勤
雷震色變 雨淋心驚 禮義廉恥 日新又新

上下無怨民和睦  本立道生世和平
慎終追遠品德厚  報恩侍親百代興
化行俗美歌堯舜  教育善良頌大成
世界人人皆如此  戰爭永息自弭兵

李 密 一九八八年七月二十二日


偈 曰:
孝感動天 棄官養顏 上陳情表 述祖維艱 武帝施仁 許報恩先 誠感日月 留史冊篇

三才天地忠孝賢  三光照耀河山川
晉時李密陳情表  漢末諸葛鞠躬全
良臣義士人欽敬  奸佞淫惡眾棄嫌
宇宙正氣德之本  美大聖神化育焉

WANG BWO     July 16,1988

Wang Bwo was from the Western Jin Dynasty and was born in Yin Yang of San Dung. His grandfather Wang Syou, was uninterested in fame and gain. He devoted his life to farming and studying. His father Wang Yi, was a general for Emperor Wu Dung of the jin dynasty. After losing the war he was executed.

Wang Bwo was extremely filial in serving his mother, attending to her every need with the greatest care. He inherited his grandfather's will and diligently studied, cultivating his mind and living a secluded life in the mountains. By spending equal time on tilling the soil and on pursuing knowledge, he sustained his mother and himself. His mother's entire body would tremble upon hearing deafening sounds. At night, whenever there was a thunderstorm he would remain by his mother's side till dawn. A few years later his mother passed away from illness. He laid her to rest in their ancestors' burial ground. He continued to live in the mountains. He was resigned to a life of poverty, took delight in the Way, and lived a tranquil life.

One time, dark clouds covered the skies, and the raging winds, violent rain, lightning bolts and thunderclaps had the force of a thousand troops and ten thousand galloping steeds. Fearing that his mother would be terrified, Wang Bwo rushed towards her grave. Comforting her he said, "Mother, don't be afraid. Your son has come to keep you company." Later, he began teaching, using the eight virtues of filiality, fraternity, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame as his main theme. Students from far and near came pouring in continuously.

During the time of turmoil caused by the five Hu in China, people from the central plains moved south to avoid the calamity. In order to safeguard his mother's grave, Wang Bwo could not bear to leave Jyang Dung. His filial repute lived on for thousands' of generations.

A verse in praise says:

Having an extremely filial nature,
He worked the land and studied to sustain his parent.
Upon hearing sounds she trembled,
And so he earnestly kept vigil over his mother.
When thunder rumbled, she blanched.
During the torrential rainstorms, her heart pounded.
Propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame
Were revived and restored daily.

Another verse says:

With no animosity between the government and the populace, people live in harmony.
When the foundation is established, the Way comes and peace abides in the world.
Carefully observing the funeral rite, tracing the memory of his ancestors, the virtue was weighty.
By repaying kindness and serving one's parents, prosperity will abide for hundreds of generations.
Bwo's developing and refining the tradition was reminiscent of Yao and Shun.
Educating others by encouraging what is wholesome, he reminds us of the greatly Accomplished One.
If everyone in the world would be like this, wars would cease and armies could retire.

LI MI      July 22, 1988

Li Mi was born in Wu Yang in Szechuan, during the Western Jin Dynasty His father passed away when he was six months old. When he was four, his mother was pressured by her brother into remarrying against her will. Mi was very weak and was afflicted with many illnesses. His grandmother Lyou, raised him. He was nine years old before he could walk. The grandmother and grandchild relied on each other to survive. He studied diligently without growing lax, and his praiseworthy reputation reached the royal court. During the Jin period, Emperor Wu summoned him to tutor the crown prince. But due to his grandmother's illness, he sent off a statement to turn down the position.

The plaint made to the emperor says, "Lyou, like the sun, is slipping toward the western mountains. She is at her last breath. She is fading fast. Her life force is in great peril. When dawn arrives, one cannot say with certainty that she will make it 'till dusk." It also says, "Without a grandmother, your subject would not have lived until this day. Without your subject, my grandmother would not be able to live out her remaining years. The grandmother and grandson are dependent on each other to subsist. Thus, this insignificant person cannot desert her to travel afar."

Emperor Wu expressed deep empathy after reading it and did not press him further. After the grandmother passed away, and when the mourning period was over, he went to the capital to take up the post. He exhausted himself completely to inculcate goodness in the prince.

How lamentable that the Jin Dynasty was so wanting in virtue. Its fate was drawing to a close. Although Mi was truly loyal and sincere, he lacked the power to reverse heaven's will. This reign was brought to an end by the evil conduct of the licentious queen, Jya Nan Feng, who was responsible for the calamity caused by the Rebellion of the Eight Kings and the invasion of China by the five Hu (barbarians).

A verse in praise says:

Filiality can move the heaven and earth.
Declining the official post to tend to the grandmother.
He presented a plaint to the ruler
And conveyed the plight of his grandmother.
Emperor Wu bestowed humaneness,
Permitting him to repay his grandmother's kindness.
Sincerity can move the sun and moon.
This historical event was recorded and preserved in writings.

Another verse says:

The three forces: Heaven, Earth and the Loyalty, Filiality and Integrity of man.
The Three Illuminations shine on the streams, summits and creeks.
The plaint presented by Li Mi during the
lin reign.
Ju Ge devoted himself totally to his country with utmost allegiance during the end of the Han Dynasty,
Good ministers and noble men are respected and admired.
Treason, servility, lewdness and evil are abhorred by the people.
Propriety is the basis for virtue in the universe.
The beautiful, great, sagely and spiritual can transform and nurture.


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