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Mr. Rou-shr Pan: Tai-Chi Teacher
at the Sagely City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

陳心平採訪 Interviewed by Chen Hsin-ping





一般人很難自動斷欲,潘先生是如何做到的?他說:「就像師父常講的:觀一切男子是我父,觀一切女子是我母,對父母要尊敬、孝順,自然不起欲念了。」 談到孝順,潘先生表示,他十五歲負笈日本留學時,聽到老師說,真正的孝順,是不讓父母煩惱。他當時一聽,如醍醐灌頂,大受感動。想了好幾天之後,他終於想出一個不教父母煩惱的好方法,他開始每天寫一封信回家,不但報告自己的生活、學習狀況,也附上每日開支會計報告,沒有任何隱瞞。每天一封家書的習慣維持了十年,直到返回台灣為止。這份恆心毅力,促使他對人生的每一件事都全力以赴。


Dharma Realm Buddhist University in Talmage, northern California, is offering a Tai Chi (Chinese shadowboxing) class this fall semester on Tuesday and Friday evenings, taught by Mr. Rou-Shr Pan, a seventy-two-year-old man from Taiwan, who won the championship in the section for elders of International Martial Arts, by performing Tai Chi together with other fast- and slow-moving arts. Because he knows Tai-chi to its essence, he can apply his skill to subtly overcome the strong with the gentle, to subdue the quick with the slow.

Mr. Pan began practicing Tai Chi at the age of thirty-nine, when he was suffering from poor health. He is extremely diligent in all he does, and has been dedicated to Tai Chi for over forty years now. He feels that Tai Chi is one of life's ultimate truths, because it allows the mind to reach such an ultimate tranquility. Before he practiced Tai Chi, he would easily get angry, but now he has no temper at all.

Tai Chi gives him a sense of well-being, as if every cell in his body were pumped full of oxygen. He says that Tai-chi is the free panacea for all diseases, and believes it can prevent the spread of cancer.

In his fortieth year, Mr. Pan did a most difficult yet worthwhile deed--he cut off his desires, and thus has been able to contain his spirit, energy, and essence. His natural constitution has become full and energetic. After practicing Tai Chi for a year, he discovered that if he didn't cut off desires, he would not be able to stand firmly. He also found that smoking and drinking easily disturb the spirit and mind. Thus, he made up his mind to cut them all off at one time. His fortieth year could be considered a pivotal year in Mr. Pan's life, for he put down smoking, drinking and sexual desire. With the full support and cooperation of his wife, he was able to use his leisure time to deepen his Tai Chi practice, experiencing the transformation of essence into energy, of energy into spirit, and of spirit into emptiness. body close up, and the body seems to be covered by a layer of iron. In such a state, one not only has no fear of coldness, but also feels that germs cannot infect one. Since then, he has never caught cold.

It is hard for ordinary people to cut off desire voluntarily; how could Mr. Pan accomplish this task? He says, "It's just like the Venerable Master says, 'See all men as my own father, and all women as my own mother.' If we are filial and respectful to our parents, then sexual desire will not arise." Mr. Pan said that when he went to study in Japan at age fifteen, he heard his teacher say that "real filiality" means not worrying or afflicting your parents. He was so struck by this revelation that it stayed on his mind for several days. Finally, he figured out a way to not worry his parents. He started writing to his parents everyday; telling them about his daily life, his studies, and even his daily expenses; he hid nothing from them. He maintained the habit of writing letters back home for ten years, until he went back to Taiwan. It is with such perseverance and fortitude that he strives to give his best in all he does.

Mr. Pan is working on a translation of Ven. Master Hua's lectures into Japanese. Having spent ten years studying in Japan, he speaks and writes Japanese fluently. Currently, he also teaches a new course at Dharma Realm Buddhist University in elementary Japanese. He will be leaving for Taiwan after the Fall semester ends, but plans to return next year to see his students' progress.


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