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The Flower Adornment Sutra with Commentary

【卷一世主妙嚴品 第一之三】

The Wondrous Adornments of World-rulers, Chapter 1, Part 3

宣化上人講述 Commentary by Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by International Translation Institute


【清淨速疾迦樓羅王,得普成就波羅蜜精進力解脫門】:清淨速疾,這是迦樓羅王的名字,他得到普成就,普遍令一切眾生成就,本來他自己得到這個成就了,他還願意令一切眾生也得到這種成就。成就什麼呢?成就波羅蜜,這個波羅蜜,是梵語翻譯過來,意思是「到彼岸 」。什麼是到彼岸?就是從生死的此岸經過煩惱的中流到達涅槃的彼岸。波羅蜜是印度語,做什麼事情成就了,這就叫波羅蜜,做完了也叫波羅蜜了,那麼修行成功了也叫波羅蜜,也就是你本來有煩惱,你能自在沒有煩惱了,這就是波羅蜜。這個波羅蜜要用精進力,來幫助這個波羅蜜,你若不精進就不能得到波羅蜜,你想得到這個波羅蜜,想成就,就要精進,用這個精進力。這一位清淨速疾迦樓羅王,他自己得到這種波羅蜜的精進力,所以他入這種的解脫門,他就得到這種的境界。在佛的面前,他得到這種境界。他得到了,他也想令一切的眾生也得到這種波羅蜜,得到這種好處,所以說他得到普成就波羅蜜精進力解脫門。這種解脫門是他見佛聞法修行而得到的。一切眾生聽見《華嚴經》這種境界,聽每一句都應該迴光返照,向自己問一問,我對這個法門是不是相應呢?我是不是能修這個法門呢?我會不會得這一種的解脫門?我是願意得解脫門呢?還是願意得到這個煩惱門?你若願意得到煩惱門,就不能得到解脫門:你若想得到解脫門,就先要沒有煩惱門。你不要一天到晚把煩惱門開著,把解脫門關上,那始終也不會得到解脫。聽經聞法就要修行,要依法來修行:若不依法修行,聽經聞法根本是沒有用的。不要聽多了法,把法反而不注意了,不注意去行法,這樣子就是錯了,所以我們聽每一個解脫門,每一種境界都要問一問自己,我對這個法門是不是相應呢?我應該修那一個解脱門呢?前邊講這麼多解脫門了,講得越多越不想解脱,那就是更錯了。

The Garuda King Indestructible Jeweled Crest obtained the liberation door of being securely settled throughout the Dharma Realm to teach and transform living beings.

The Garuda King by the name of Indestructible Jeweled Crest obtained the liberation door of being securely settled throughout the Dharma Realm. He enables all living beings throughout the Dharma Realm to obtain peace and happiness, and not to have afflictions or worries. The principle involved is that of the Buddha being securely settled beneath the Bodhi tree in all worlds of the ten directions to teach and transform living beings, helping all living beings to be free from suffering and attain bliss. Whenever Sages establish teachings, it is in order to transform and rescue living beings. The Garuda King Indestructible Jeweled Crest obtained that kind of door to liberation.

The Garuda King Pure Swiftness obtained the liberation door of strength of vigor to universally achieve Paramita.

The Garuda King
whose name is Pure Swiftness obtained the liberation door of strength of vigor to universally achieve Paramita. He helps all living beings achieve this, having achieved it first himself. His wish is for all living beings to have the same accomplishment that he himself has had. Here it refers to achieving Paramita. Paramita is a Sanskrit word which means "gone to the other shore." That is, from this shore which is birth and death, one goes over the flow of afflictions in between, and reaches the other shore which is Nirvana. Sanskrit is an Indian language, and in India, when something had been achieved fully, it was described as "paramita." Completing something was also called "paramita." That's why for cultivation to be brought to accomplishment is also described as "paramita." By extension, if to start with you have afflictions, but later you manage not to have afflictions, that is "paramita." The power of vigor is required to assist Paramita. If you are not vigorous, you can't attain Paramita.

To reach Paramita, that is, to achieve something, you must employ the strength of vigor. The Garuda King named Pure Swiftness achieved this kind of Paramita and power of vigor, and so he entered this door of liberation. Right in front of the Buddha he obtained this kind of state. Having obtained it himself, he wanted all livings to obtain the advantages of this sort of Paramita as well. That's why the door of liberation is called that of strength of vigor to universally achieve Paramita.

The Garuda King attained this liberation door through seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, and cultivating. All we living beings, upon hearing about the states in the Flower Adornment Sutra, should reverse the illumination and introspect for every phrase we hear. We should ask ourselves, "Am I interacting with this Dharma door? Can I cultivate it? Am I able to obtain this kind of door to liberation? Do I want to attain doors of liberation, or doors of affliction?" If you prefer doors of affliction, you won't achieve doors of liberation. To obtain liberation doors, you just first have no affliction doors. But if from morning to night you open the doors of affliction and close the doors to liberation, you will never achieve liberation. When you listen to Dharma and hear Sutras lectured, you are supposed to cultivate according to the Dharma. Otherwise it's futile to listen to Sutra lectures and Dharma talks. Don't fail to pay attention to the Dharma after having heard it for a long time. It's a mistake to be inattentive to putting the Dharma into practice. Therefore, every time we hear of a libveration door or state, we have to pose ourselves the question, "Do I interact with this Dharma-door? Which door to liberation should I cultivate?" Up to now, so many doors to liberation have been discussed. But if the more you hear the less you want to be liberated, you're making an even greater mistake.


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