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News from the Dharma Realm

Instilling Goodness and Developing Virtue Girls' School
Summer Program 1992




今年為期四個星期的暑假班,在七月二十四日星期五圓滿的結束了。這次是由易瑞華做主要聯絡人,由泰莉尼可森做督導工作,同時由主修不同科目的五位大學生來擔任老師。今年的暑假班,我們的主題是「我們可以不同」 ,老師們所強調的是以學生們的能力,從他們的思想與行為來對這個世界做正面不同的改變。這個題目是盡可能的在課堂上提出討論。學生參加各種不同的課程,如寫作、生態學、藝術、音樂及話劇,同時也參加了很多郊遊活動。這些郊遊活動包括戶外生態學的實地學習,與探黑莓等。高年級的女生以討論社會問題與價值為中心,其中她們討論學習一些曾使這個世界有所變化的歷史女性人物。




After four successful weeks, this year's summer program came to an end on Friday, July 24. The program was coordinated by Shari Epstein and supervised by Terri Nicholson. Five college students from varied academic backgrounds taught the classes.

Our theme this summer was "We Can Make a Difference." Teachers emphasized the students' ability to make a positive difference to the world by being responsible and thoughtful of their actions and behavior. The theme was woven into classes whenever possible.

Students participated in writing, ecology, art, music and drama classes. The children took many walks throughout the summer. These included outside learning activities in ecology, and blackberry picking. The older girls concentrated on social issues and values. They learned about women in history who have made a difference to the world.

The boarding dormitory had seventeen students this year. The students in the dorm came from faraway Taiwan and sachusets, and nearby Bodhi House next door. We planned many afternoon and evening activities as well as two weekend fieldtrips. The first trip was a day hike through the redwoods at Hendy Woods. The last weekend before school ended we spent the night on the Pacific coast. Michael and Sarah Owen, teachers here during the regular school year, hosted the boarding girls and teachers in their home at the coast.

It has been a wonderful summer program for all involved. We hope that next summer can be as positive and eventful as this one has been. We are looking for input and suggestions to keep our program growing in a positive direction. Teachers and students interested in participating next summer, should contact Terri Nicholson at (707) 462-0939 for more information.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea