Dharma Master Sheng Yen was born December 4, 1931, in Kiangsu Province, a son of the Chang family. In 1943 he left the home-life under Dharma Master Tung Ch'u at Liang Mountain's Kuang Chao Monastery. In August 1960 he received I the complete precepts from Elder Master Tao Yuan at Hai Hui Monastery in Keelung. Dharma Master Sheng Yen then began to center his practice around the Lin Chi, or Ch'an sect. Following his full ordination he went into seclusion for six years on Kao Hsiung Mountain to cultivate.

     After this rigorous period of cultivation, which lasted from 1960 to 1966, Bhikshu Sheng Yen accepted a professorship at the Orient Buddhist I College in Taiwan. In 1968 he became a Lecturer in Buddhism at Shan Tao Temple in Taipei. By 1971 Dharma Master Sheng Yen had received his Masters degree from Rossho University in Japan. He continued his studies and in 1975 received a Litt. D. from the same university.

      Dharma Master Sheng Yen has written a number of books, pamphlets, and articles on Buddhism and has also done translation of Buddhist texts.

      In 1976 Dharma Master Sheng Yen came to pay his respects to the venerable Abbot of Gold Mountain and to join the four-fold assembly in their practices. He was so pleased to find a pure manifestation of the Proper Dharma on Western soil that he changed his plans and extended his visit to Gold Mountain, so he could draw near the Venerable Master and join in the cultivation at the Monastery. During his visit, Dharma Master Sheng Yen gave Dharma talks several times for the benefit of the great assembly. 

Available this fall: CELEBRISI'S JOURNEY, a novel. One American's travels across America in search of spiritual progress, by David Rounds. A Thousand Buddhas Press book.