The Bodhi Mirror



      Phra Maha Sanan Suesataya was born on August 10, 1946. He began elementary school at the age of seven and when he graduated he was ordained as a novice Buddhist monk by Phra Kru Sangvarasamadhivata in Burirum province in the northeast region of Thailand. He then studied Buddhism and Pali. 
      When he was twenty-one years old, he was ordained as a bhiksu by a council of 25 witness monks headed by Ven. Phra Dhamaratanakorn, the Lord Abbot of Mahadhatu Temple.

From that time on, he attended Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya Buddhist University and studied Buddhism, other religions, and general education at an advanced level. After studying in this University for 8 years, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education. Throughout his studies he kept up the practice of meditation.
      On July 2nd, 1974, he was sent by the Buddhist Order Committee to Wat Thai in Los Angeles. He now lives at Wat Thai, propagating Buddhism and contributing to the welfare and happiness of the people in the West.