The Bodhi Mirror



      Dharma Master Wei Sung was born in the city of I in Liao Ning Province, China, the 24th day of the sixth month in 1906. He left home on the first day of the third lunar month, 1929, and received the novice precepts from his teacher the Venerable Le Hsin. On Buddha’s Birthday that same year he received the complete precepts and became a Bhiksu at Wan Shou Monastery in Shen Yang, China. His precept Master was the Venerable Ch’ing Shan. During this time he received a comprehensive seven-year education in the classics, and then embarked upon a six-year course in Buddhist studies.
      He is a Teaching and Transmitting Dharma Master who received the Dharma Transmission from the enlightened Master Hsiu Yuan,
Abbot of Wan Shou Monastery, in a ceremony in which the Venerable Ming Hsin represented the Master Hsiu Yuan. At the age of thirty-three, Bhiksu Wei Sung became the Head Instructor at Wan Shou Buddhist Academy, and when he was thirty-nine he became the Abbot of Tz’u En Monastery and President of the Buddhist Academy.

      He is a T’ien T’ai expert qualified to explain the teachings and contemplations of this important school of Buddhism. Bhiksu Wei Sung’s permanent address is 211 Bedok Road, Singapore, 16. He is currently residing at the Buddhist Association of San Francisco where he is the Teaching Master.