The Bodhi Mirror Presents

-by Bhikshu Heng K'ung

Bhikshu Seck Boon Keng

      Born on January 8, 1940, Dharma Master Keng left the home life in 1972. As a youth, he helped support his widowed mother after his father died when he was but five years old. His layname was Quah Keng Lye and he was the only son.

      Seven years ago he became a monk under the Venerable Sinng Ghoh at Kong Hock Deng Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. During the first five years of his left-home life he was given instruction in observing strict vinaya practice and in bowing repentances. Dharma Master Keng did many kinds of work in the temple, from cooking and manual labor to acting as Guest Prefect. He was diligent morning to night, being the last to rest and the first to rise. Every morning and evening he practiced the Dharma door of bowing.

      He also took time to console people in hospitals, chant for prisoners, and visit homes for lepers and homes for delinquent children, where he chanted and consoled them. 

      Setting a new precedent by adhering to ancient practices, Dharma Master Boon Keng always wears his precept sash-- manifesting the true "appearance of a Shramana" even in the face of ridicule. Since his ordination, he has observed the practice of not eating after noon and always takes only pure vegetarian food. In 1978 he moved to Poh Woo Toong Temple in Penang and then to Ching Yeap Ching Seah Temple in Seremban, Negri Sembilan, Malaysia. At the Seremban temple he conducted an Amitabha Recitation -- Three Steps, One Bow Session attended by 300 people. Dharma Master Boon Keng is currently in residence at the City of 10,000 Buddhas where he participated in the Earth Store Bodhisattva Recitation Session and joins the Shurangama Mantra Dharma Assembly.