禪修 時間:1989年 秋 地點:Arcata, CA. U.S.A. The Chan Tradition of Meditation Date: 1989 Fall Place:Arcata, CA. U.S.A. 1989年,上人於加州Arcata市的各教派聯合禪坐中心,應邀參加宗教交流會議, 會中安排上人與漢堡加州州立大學宗教研究所的哈利‧威爾斯教授對談。並請 上人開示半小時的禪坐方法,作為該大學宗教研究課教材之用,本影音檔即為 當時所攝製。很可惜原帶中上人開示的中文部分只有一段,英譯部分是完整的。 今將英譯部分回譯成中文,以旁白字幕提供大家參考。 In 1989, the Venerable Master attended an interreligious dialogue retreat during which he participated in a dialogue with Prof. Harry Wells of the Religious Studies Department at Humboldt State. The retreat was held at an interdenominational meditation retreat center -- the Newman Center in Arcata. During the retreat, the Venerable Master was also asked to give a half hour talk on meditation for use in Humboldt State religious studies classes. This video was made at that time. Unfortunately only one part of it was the Venerable Master's speech. However the English translation of his talk was complete. We have translated the English translation back to Chinese for your reference.