楞嚴經 – 主觀智能推動力 時間:1988年5月23.30日 地點:萬佛聖城妙語堂 1988/5/30 經文 汝之心靈,一切明了,若汝現前,所明了心,實在身內。爾時,先合了知內身, 頗有眾生,先見身中,後觀外物?縱不能見心肝脾胃,爪生髮長、筋轉脈搖, 誠合明了,如何不知?必不內知,云何知外?是故應知,汝言覺了能知之心, 住在身內,無有是處。 Sutra The efficacy of your mind is such that it clearly perceive everything. If that mind of yours which clearly perceive things were really in your body, then the first knowledge it would has would be of the inside of your body. But are there living beings who see inside their bodies before they observe things outside? Even if your mind cannot see your heart, liver, spleen, or stomach, it surely should clearly distinguish the inner workings of growing of your nails and hair, the twisting of your sinews, and the throbbing of your pulse. Why then, does it not perceive those inner events? Since it definitely cannot perceive what is inside. How is it that it can perceive what is outside? Therefore you should know that you state the impossible when you say the mind that knows, understands and is aware is inside the body. 1988年萬佛城的住眾們齊聚妙語堂,以「主觀智能推動力」的方式,大家共同來研究《楞嚴經》。 所謂主觀智能推動力,源於上人為訓練弟子講法,每次上課前由弟子先抄一段課文在黑板上, 開始時讓弟子自動上臺講解。但因無人回應,不得已改用抽籤方式,讓出家在家、男女弟子輪流 上臺講解。抽到的,上臺後先就黑板上的中、英課文各念一遍,也可不看黑板而背念,然後轉身 坐下對著大眾講解課文。因此,人人有機會學習講法。後來上人選了一位弟子擔任助教。之後, 每開講,先由助教領大眾照黑板念中文課文及其英譯各三遍。然後助教面對大眾背念中、英課文 各一遍;背完則簡單消文。完了由男女兩眾輪流上臺講解。 上人又恐抽到的弟子,在自己講完後即不再用心聽講,因此在四眾弟子輪流講完後,又讓男女眾 各抽一人上臺作評論。人人可抽到籤而擔任評論,因此從上課開始到結束,人人都聚精會神注意 聽講,不敢疏忽。 對作評論上人也立有規矩:一不可提名道姓說某某講解人講得如何如何,只可按順序提第幾位講得 怎樣怎樣,第幾位又講得怎樣怎樣,以免令人胡生妄想。二不可籠統地說是講得好或不好。好, 不說好,要說出講得對的地方;不好,不說不好,要指出錯在什麼地方:不能籠統地說是講得好或 不好:那過不了關。待弟子們評論完畢,上人再作總評。啊!這可是弟子們久待的一刻!因此無不 注目凝神,洗耳恭聽。 經過這樣的研習,大家對經文的義理都有了深一層的了解。尤其上人畫龍點睛的總評,每每令眾人 對晦澀不明的疑難處,豁然開解。 因課程採中英雙語進行,加上由弟子數人輪流講解,所以每次課程歷時兩小時左右。本錄影帶僅 節錄當時上課的片段,希望佛友們能從中得到一些啟示,對上人教化弟子的的精神略有領會。 若欲聆聽整堂課程研習內容,可下載 http://16.drbachinese.org/online_video/19880530.mp3 The Shurangama Sutra – Developing Inherent Wisdom Time: May 23, 30, 1988 Place: The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas’Wonderful Words Hall In 1988, residents of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas gathered together at Wonderful Words Hall to study the Shurangama Sutra using the method of “Developing Inherent Wisdom”. “Developing Inherent Wisdom” started because the Venerable Master wanted to train disciples for speaking Dharma. Before each class, disciples first copy out a passage of the text on the blackboard. At the start of class, volunteers go on stage and give their explanations. Since there were no volunteers, lots had to be used. Names of monastics and laity, male and female students are drawn so they may take turns to explain on stage. The ones whose names are pulled will read or recite from memory the text on the blackboard, once in Chinese and once in English. This way, everyone has an opportunity to practice speaking Dharma. Later on, the Venerable Master selected a disciple as a teaching assistant. From then on, at the start of class, the teaching assistant will lead everyone in reading the Chinese text and its English translation, three times each. The teaching assistant will then face everyone and recite both the Chinese and English from memory. After reciting the text from memory, the teaching assistant goes over the text briefly. After that, men and women take turns to go up on stage for their explanations. The Venerable Master was afraid that the students who will not pay attention any more after they give their explanations, so after the fourfold assembly finish their turns, one man and one woman is selected to evaluate on stage. Anyone can be selected to be an evaluator, so everyone pays rapt attention from start to finish, without being a bit lax. The Venerable Master also set up rules for evaluation too: 1. Do not say so-and-so explained how well, use the number of that person in the order in which he or she spoke. This prevents people from having false thoughts. 2. Do not vaguely say that the explanation is good or bad. Name the specific positives for the good points and the specific negatives for the mistakes. It will not pass just to say vaguely that the explanation was “good” or “bad”. After the disciples are done with their evaluations, the Venerable Master will give an overall evaluation – a moment that the disciples have long awaited for! They all pay the utmost attention and listen respectfully. After studying like this, everyone has a deeper understanding of the meaning of the text, especially the Venerable Master’s overall evaluation that clinches the point with just a few words. With that, difficult parts unclear to everyone before are always cleared up. Since the class proceeds in two languages, Chinese and English, plus several students take turns to explain, so each class lasts about two hours. This video tape is only an excerpt of a class in session then. We hope that Buddhist friends will gain some insight and glimpse into the Venerable Master’s spirit in teaching his disciples. For those who wish to listen to the content of an entire class in session, please download it at: http://16.drbachinese.org/online_video/19880530.mp3