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The Intention of Patriarch Bodhidharma's Coming from the West

化老和尚讲述 by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua


打落牙齿 和血而吞



到地上,那个地方就要天旱三年,不下雨。 达摩祖师一想:“噢!若三年不下雨,你说这要饿死多少人!我来度众生、救众生,这不是杀众生吗?”可是如果不吐到地上,这牙怎么办?于是,两颗牙也舍不得吐到地上,就把这两颗牙像吃油饼似的,吞到肚里去了;油饼没有那么硬,他就像吃骨头似的,吃到肚里头去;然后就走了。


The Blow Breaks Teeth; 
He Swallows Them with the Blood

Patriarch Bodhidharma was caught unprepared because he never expected that Dharma Master Shen Guang would hit him. Although certified sages can penetrate others' thoughts, the Patriarch did not reflect in advance on what the Dharma Master might do. Although Patriarch Bodhidharma had some skill in the martial arts, he was caught off guard. It never occurred to him that the monk would make such a vicious attack, that being unable to reply, he would resort to brute force. As a result, the blow broke off two of Patriarch Bodhidharma's teeth.

What did Patriarch Bodhidharma do about the two broken teeth? Well, he was a sage, and there's a legend about the teeth of a patriarch--a certified sage--and what happens if they get broken and he spits them out onto the ground. It's said that if a sage's teeth are knocked loose and he spits them out on the ground, it won't rain for three years.

Patriarch Bodhidharma thought, "Ai! If it doesn't rain for three years, just imagine how many people will starve! I have come to China to save beings, not to kill them!" And so Patriarch Bodhidharma did not let his teeth fall to the ground. Instead, he swallowed them, just as if he were eating a pancake. Well, pancakes aren't that hard--it was more like eating a bone! He swallowed them and made his exit.

Therefore, in China, there is a saying that came from that incident, "If someone knocks out the teeth of an arhat, the arhat swallows them."

法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU
